Blogger Relations
My question from @TobyDiva was: From a client's view, how would you design an blogger relations program? 1 #smgps
Most important is remember, blogger is your customer. Not a disinterested 3rd party. Blog is abt her passions not your product 2 #smgps
We need to put the product / service in context important to blogger, not expect him to fit his story around our product message 3 #smgps
This is Relevance, the most important part of any blogger relations effort. Relationships & respect for the blogger are important. 4 #smgps
But relevance is what leads people to WRITE abt your product, not just read your email. 5 #smgps
I recommend taking a 4 Ps approach. Prepare, then participate, then pitch or publish 6 #smgps
First step in any program is to prepare. We start by listening to what bloggers are saying – abt product, issues related to product 7 #smgps
It’s like being at a party. You wouldn’t just barge in, start pontificating. You’d start by listening to what people talking abt 8 #smgps
Once we have a feel for community, we start participating – emailing replies and leaving comments as appropriate. 9 #smgps
Be v. clear abt who you are; pretending to be just a regular reader is easily seen thru, esp. when you use message pts. 10 #smgps
If you can meet people f2f, either at conference like BlogHer or by putting on yr own event, w/o too much pitching, really helps 11 #smgps
It’s a progression. Only after bloggers know you, your company, should you float a pitch or start a blog. 12 #smgps
So turning to the pitch, since that’s core of blogger outreach. Basic mechanics – brief, clear, transparent abt intent, agenda. 13 #smgps
V important You should define measurement at outset, tied to a mktg. objective & an action/outcome, not just output like mentions 14 #smgps
The key is relevance. A relevant pitch ADDS VALUE for the blogger while also letting co. achieve its goals. Everybody wins 15 #smgps
The secret sauce for the perfect pitch: relevance, respect, brevity, clarity and adding value. 16 #smgps
Remember , it’s a long term commitment, to a relationship with customer. Not a one night stand. Don’t go for the quick hit. 17 #smgps
If you can’t add value, you should advertise.#bloggeroutreach 18 #smgps
To add value: provide access to exclusive info, offer eval product/samples, offer products that blogger can give away on her blog 19 #smgps
More: host an event, support the charities the blogger cares abt. Most impt: Put the blogger at the center, not your product 20 #smgps
What I look for is a SHARED VALUE, something based in emotions, how products fit in our lives, not the features. 21 #smgps
The example I use in my workshops is cotton swabs. Pretty much a commodity & no one is going to pitch 100% more cotton 22 #smgps
But if you look at areas around use, you find things. Cotton swabs = ear care. Parents of young kids worry abt ear infection 23 #smgps
So if I were advising mfr of cotton swabs I’d suggest informational site abt ear infection, tubes etc. Impt & relevant for blogger 24 #smgps
& entirely consistent with brand. That’s our goal: a blogger relations campaign with balanced value for company & blogger 25 #smgps
If there isn’t fair return of value for company, it’s expense with no ROI. If no real value to blogger, co. asking for free ads 26 #smgps
Balance what makes process so intriguing, fun & beautiful. Yes beautiful. Companies have oppty to talk w customer like never bef. 27 #smgps
& consumers have so much better access to companies, for complaints & kudos. To really impact the prods & svcs we buy 28 #smgps
It’s the village marketplace redux, but with wireless. And Twitter. 29 # smgps
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