The big Q: "What makes a brand "social media smart"? - How hard can that be? Who is "social media smart?" #smgps
Social media smart is 'social media approachable' according to @y2vonne. Approachability is born from confidence. #smgps
Confident, self-assured and differentiated brands are *capable* of being social media smart. Weak brands have no chance. #smgps
Social media smart brands practice 'altruism before capitalism'. Help, engage, deliver value and then profit... #smgps
Smart brands integrate social media into their 'service' , regardless of what they sell. Not doing so is a dis-service to customers. #smgps
Brands need to realize that their employees (all of them) are part of the social media equation. Empower and enable them. #smgps
Smart brands have sorted out the "3 R's - Risks, Resources & Rewards" of social media - - #smgps
Twitter is a perfect example of people's comfort with the "BETA" economy - smart brands always work in "BETA" re: social media... #smgps
Brands see social media with "Faith" or "Fear" "Faithful" brands, that trust in their customers, are successful. Fear has no place #smgps
This recent Domino's Pizza response on YouTube is a smart way to engage through social media: #smgps
Finally, social media smart brands will lead the charge for equal engagement - like SMBs did with Yelp: #smgps
More From Dana VanDen Heuvel @danavan Dana Vanden Heuvel
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