Social media users often struggle with ethics because many see SM as different from other media. It's not. Ethics are the key to SM 1 #smgps
Sharing matters. SM isn't about getting. It's about giving & helping others. Those using SM just to get from others fail at SM 2 #smgps
SM is about trust & trust must be earned. Once lost, trust is hard to recover. In SM, there may be no second chance to recover it 3 #smgps
An SM user who speaks through a character must be upfront about the proxy voice. Personas are often confusing & can lose trust 4 #smgps
Seeing SM as something to game or spam fails because no one will listen as there is no trust or listening first. Bad ethics fail 5 #smgps
People who listen to others, are open & honest, share & help others succeed on SM. Good ethics work on SM 6 #smgps
Approaching SM as a numbers game fails when there's no engagement. Chasing numbers alone is a dead end. On SM bad ethics fail 7 #smgps
SM ethics like all ethics are not personal interpretation. That shallow short term thinking failed Enron & AIG. It fails on SM too 8 #smgps
Using tricks & tools to get more SM followers may add numbers but without engagement & trust, raw numbers mean nothing 9 #smgps
Following people on Twitter & unfollowing immediately simply to add numbers loses trust & hurts your personal & brand reputation 10 #smgps
Spam on SM is unethical as it is everywhere. Spam is about taking without giving back. Good ethics work on SM so spammers fail 11 #smgps
Faking someone else's identity on SM is unethical. It's also a pointless dead end leading to lost reputation for the impostor 12 #smgps
Ethical biz people get referrals & long term customer evangelists. Ethical SM pays with strong relationship building that lasts 13 #smgps
SM posts live forever on Google. Ethical people benefit from searches of honest & open ideas that boost online reputation & trust 14 #smgps
Looking at SM as only for sales & marketing fails without listening, engaging & building relationships. SM is about trust 15 #smgps
When posting ethically on behalf of a company, don't post company info you wouldn't write in an email or say in person 16 #smgps
Ethical companies respond to customer concerns openly & don't hide. Doing the right thing builds deeper trusting relationships 17 #smgps
Ethical companies trust their employees to do the right thing on SM. They help & encourage employees to engage with customers 18 #smgps
Good SM ethics work for everyone: Company, brands, employees, customers, listeners & the economy. Good ethics are good business 19 #smgps
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