Must separate measuring the expected (tracking biz growth) from listening for the unexpected (innovation and corp rep) 1 #smgps
To be fast learning organization @charleneli must listen for unexpected & learning can come from anywhere up/down 2 #smgps
Must listen in brand backyard e.g. Dell Idea storm, and customer BY, e.g. FB, forums 3 #smgps
Listening to SM is not only a sampling of all sentiment, it is a CENSUS of comments in an (important) sphere for UR brand/customers 4 #smgps
Census in naturally occurring vocabulary--people's own words--what THEY care about, not just attribute lists 5 #smgps
Mkt research must evolve. surveys can be torture yet people love to express themselves in SM. Why? 6 #smgps
People want to be heard, opinions validated. Brand loyalty flip--how will YOU show loyalty to ME?! By Listening and conversing 7 #smgps
Listening to SM places human in control--what THEY want to talk about. If data are "thin", that's a finding 7 #smgps
Surveys are often centered on the brand. listening is centered on a human-based framing question 8 #smgps
Examples: how does my brand rate on environmentally friendly vs. how concern for environment is affecting life choices 9 #smgps
Skate to where the puck will be. Representivity of SM is growing but in 3 years will be fairly representative. must start now 10 #smgps
ARF conducted exec surveys among 20 research leaders at biggest rsch spenders. Over 50% are already using SM for rsch insights 11 #smgps
Execs get SM insights from agency plnrs and corpcomm. Research cannot prevent this so must embrace and synthesize 12 #smgps
Recent ARF conf #rethink2009, P&G and Nielsen co-presented integrated strategy. presentation online at 13 #smgps
P&G Nielsen #rethink2009: concluded magnitude (surveys) + intensity (listening) = energy (action) 14 #smgps
Studied 6 situations via both listening to SM and surveys side by side 15 #smgps
Surveys missed the passion, cultural connections, words that listening picked up but surveys quantified. NEED BOTH16 #smgps
Ex: cloth diapering. surveys got eco-friendly and value. Listening got that + home-schooling/home birthing--lifestyle dimen. 17 #smgps
Summary. listening is tricky to know how to integrate into surveys. ARF is taking lead at creating roadmap. 18 #smgps
Summary: must listen for unexpected and corp rep but I believe we WILL find the stat science too. 19 #smgps
Summary: stats are not just frequentist n=1000, but Bayesian and I'm sure listening to SM has Bayesian value (improves odds) 20 #smgps
Last word: Must survey but must listen too. hear unexpected, honor custmr voice, real time feedback, catch things asap. Duh! 21 #smgps
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