Marketing pro, @TobyDiva is writing a book Social Media Marketing GPS usuing Twitter check out -> #smgps
I'm afounder of @SOBCon a deeply networked online community. SM is a huge part. Don't we need context to get to meaning? I say yes #smgps
We have the ability to build fast context and get on to content. But we have to understand the SM context we're in. #smgps
Do you think most folks understand the context of the tools they use? I think we keep overlaying offline constructs. #smgps
We forget that the interwebs AND the future are also listening when we type our talk. Maybe are relationships are MORE than real. #smgp
Does the nature of recording what we say make it more REAL? Are you more authentic when you write it down? #smgps
In the end doesn't it come down to who we are and how we define a REAL relationship? #smgps
@coffee_online asks Can we only co-exist via connection? On Twitter? I've often wondered that about the concrete world #smgps
@bryanlehner asks What about what we don't say in writing because we don't want it recorded. How authentic is that? 15 #smgps
If we won't say it in writing (allowing exceptions) how authentic is it? Maybe we should stop defining REAL & think -> DIFFERENT. #smgps
Structure and expression, form and function, heads and tails, two in dynamic tension. Why not online and offline relationships? #smgps
Do you have different relationships with the same person online and off? I get a different son online than offline. #smgps
fr: @mcmama "I think the wds are outdated & don't take into consideration what different interaction the Internet provides." #smgps
@rjsi I'm with you on that. Simple words often best describe what we do. #smgps Online or off, my relationships with you, your biz, or your product is really in MY head. I interpret any info I take in. #smgps
The beauty of SM is that we get enough inputs that we can detect patterns about people or groups that could change our views. #smgps
@dirkjohnson I'm with you. I won't / can't put in writing what I am unwilling to explain. #smgps
So Twitter can allow us to "build up" to a holistic view of a person, a brand, or a customer group. Powerful stuff. If we listen.. #smgps
To find out about customer loyalties, we ask customers what THEY see, hear, and understand. Then work w. patterns /trends. #smgps
SM makes it easier to reach customers with the same question. But the ? is in the context of the tool itself - We're back start. #smgps
hank you everyone! I'm going back to read again all of what you said ... to find the patterns and the new ideas. #smgps
RT @BWphoto: Maybe off line we R limited by perceived social more's bec face2face & online our subconc auth is free to come out #smgps
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