SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING GPS CHAPTER 10 METRICS THAT MAKE SENSE First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure Twain 1 #smgps
Chapter 10, of the all-tweet SM book, explores what is frequently the challenge in accepting SMM as credible .. how/what to measure.2 #smgps
Give SM its due respect. Hold it to standards of accountability as you would any marketing strategy PR, research, advertising, etc.3 #smgps
Begin SM strategy development with specific goals and objectives. These indicators of success should support your biz objectives. 4 #smgps
SM provides traditional online/website analytics e.g., unique visitors, geo location, time spent, key word referral, SEO ranking. 5 #smgps
SM’s new metrics based on influence & engagement: reach, respect of content creator, extent of conversations. You define meaning. 6 #smgps
What are “influencers?” Are they 5000 Followers who will never buy your product or 50 RSS subscribers who care about your brand? 7 #smgps
Social media metrics are new value propositions; altho they can be measured they hold only the value that you associate with them. 8 #smgps
You define value of SM metrics. What is Value of Longevity? What is the YT value to Susan Boyle’s career? 9 #smgps
What is value of the Community the “Influencer” brings through links & extended commentary? Ask Motrin. 10 #smgps
Example: Goal to reinforce CEO’s leadership position in the industry and with customers. Tactic: Twitter Town Hall Meeting 11 #smgps
Example: Metrics: retweets/‘influence- followers’, questions, answers, continuation of convo, pick up by blogs/MSM, goodwiill 12 #smgps
While the goals and metrics in the example are “coulda bes” Ford’s CEO held a Twitter Town Hall Meeting - #smgps
Question: To determine success marketing strategies must be “accountable.” How do you measure success in SMM? 14 #smgps
Interviews with: Peter Kim @peterkim & Kate Niederhoffer @katenieder will be tweeted today. 15 #smgps