SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING GPS - CHAPTER 3 SM RESEARCH: 1st LISTENING POST “Listen or thy tongue will keep thee deaf.” Native American 1 #smgps
An exciting benefit of SM is "hearing" the raw voices of your customers. We can listen without formal prompts of questions/guides. 2 #smgps
Consumer-generated media provides one more piece of information that businesses can use to mitigate risks in decision making. 3 #smgps
Caution! Back fence conversations maybe early warning signs or trends but could be short lived buzz started by a few influencers. 4 #smgps
Statistics won’t tell you the entire story. Critical new metrics to analyze include the halo influence & “snow ball build.” 5 #smgps
Social listening is not effective as a one shot tactic. To realize the benefits it must be incorporated as an on-going strategy. 6 #smgps
Integrate SM into a marketing research strategy as the "1st listening post." Use traditional research to delve & confirm findings. 7 #smgps
Benefits from actively monitoring digital buzz range from an early warning for crisis management to responsive customer care . 8 #smgps
Researchers now must come out from behind the 2-way mirrored room, share their M&Ms and engage in a dialogue with their customers. 9 #smgps
Guest interviews:C.B. Whittemore @cbwhittemore & Joel Rubinson @joelrubinson Please use #smgps to join the conversation. Thanks! 11 #smgps
Question: @cbwittermore. How did “listening” to your customers impact decision making when you were working for Wear-Dated? 12 #smgps
Question:@joelrubinson. Can SM “listening” off-track you if buzz is a small fraction of what most customers feel about your brand? 13 #smgps
Thanx Tom Morder, Chick-Fil-A & Greg Rathjen, Marketecture for the use of the term “1st Listening Post.” Blog 14 #smgps