RSS Real Simple Syndication
SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING GPS - CHAPTER 6 TACTICS SECOND (5) “You try to give away what you want yourself." Lois McMaster Bujol 1 #smgps
Chapter 6, of the “all-tweet SM book”concludes with a look at RSS and one of the more fun applications of RSS..Widgets.. 2 #smgps
Real Simple Syndication/RSS is the secret of the success of many social media marketing programs. You choose the content you want. 3 #smgps
For the non techs in the stream simply put RSS is coding that allows for specific content to be distributed to through feeds. 4 #smgps
People who are interested in receiving your content through this channel can subscriber to news readers with no eMail required. 5 #smgps
RSS is incorporated into most blog platforms. Every time new content is added Web 2.0 magic happens. Your news reader is “pinged.” 6 #smgps
In our world where people are crunched for time, RSS provides a solution that ensures our customers receive relevant information. 7 #smgps
In addition to blogs, news publishers were one of the first to incorporate the big orange button into their distribution strategy. 8 #smgps
The common theme of SM is basic marketing 101. Understand your customer and build to fit her needs. Same is valid for RSS. 9 #smgps
When developing your RSS strategy consider the type of information your customers want. Think: niche content opportunities. 10 #smgps
Once again we learn tha social media is about choices. However, those choices are not for us .. they belong to our customers. 11 #smgps
Question: How can RSS support and extend a social media marketing strategy? Interviews with Bill Flitter @bflitter Nick Burcher @nickburcher 12 #smgps