Sponsored Conversations
I expect feedback to improve my ability to have a sponsored conversation that meets the expectations of the participants & client 1 #smgps
In order to have an effective sponsored conversation, you need content. I expect the client to provide that. 2 #smgps
Disney Team at Razorfish asked me to participate in a Twitter Sponsored Conversation last month. They told me it was a success 3 #smgps
The story about the Disney / @savvyauntie sponsored conversation is told well here by @eholmeswsj here http://budurl.com/wsjdis 4 #smgps
@robblatt said in his WSJ comments my ...involvement with Disney was only way I was aware that Pinocchio was available for purchase 5 #smgps
The Chicago Tribune also reviewed my Sponsored Tweets by Disney favorably among other sponsored convos http://budurl.com/ctribdis 6 #smgps
Over 600 of you clicked that blog link, plus many more created your own links I cannot track. I loved the comments! 9 #smgps
Disney allowed me to have an authentic conversation with my Followers-never told me what to Tweet. That's important! 10 #smgps
Before I did launched the Sponsored Conversation with Disney, I went to my advisers and asked for advice and they came thru! 11 #smgps
@edhorwich My advisers agreed with transparency/authenticity but also good benchmarking to see trackable results. 12 #smgps
Since some of you asked, Disney approached me for Sponsored Conversation and let me show them how it's done :) kudos to them 13 #smgps
Disney = Family Brand. Savvy Auntie = Family Brand. Sponsored Conversation = Authentic. 16 #smgps
I took launching pilot Twitter Sponsored Conversation campaign 4 Disney seriously. Knew if success could be win/win for long time 18 #smgps
Sponsored Conversations can be vry powerful if done authentically. Companies should leave to the "trusted sources" to lead the way 19 #smgps
Bloggers, Tweeters and all social media publishers can show even Fortune 500 companies how it's done. Lead the way! 20 #smgps
More From Melanie Notkin @savvyauntie SavvyAuntie