I love planes so when Josh Hallett, Hyku, presented the opportunity to talk to the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) I jumped at the chance. CAP
held its inaugural Public Affairs Officer Academy in Hot'lanta (very hot 'Lanta!)last week. I had the pleasure of speaking to a wonderful group of volunteers who are making a huge difference in our country and influencing the lives of thousands of kids. I met people who had been volunteering for over 20-years. They told me the most heart warming stories of how CAP has changed lives .. especially kids in the cadet program. CAP is meant for social media. Julie, Kim, Steve and Jim you were great!
Got to the Marriott Marquis in time to catch the speaker before me. Always a good thing to do - to have a reference point of where folks were before you come on. It was a session on traditional PR. After the slides on how to plan and media relations a slide on Blogs popped up. Oh oh .. over lap I thought. The speaker's concluding remarks on the topic ran something like .. Interesting idea but you don't want to put it on top of your list. Keep in the idea file if you have time. You have too many other more important things to do before you add blogs to the mix.
Girlfriend, I had to bring in another point of view. The Civil Air Patrol is meant for social media. Fascinating to me was after my talk a group of people came over to chat that included 20 somethings to 70 somethings. It was a 71-year old gentleman who was the most enthused about going home to Dallas to talk to his WING about blogging. I,of course, sent him to Millie Garfield's My Mom's Blog for a peek into senior blogs.
Sidebar: Millie's on network TV .. ABC News no less! Not bad for 81-year young gal from Swampscott, MA!
Okay, I admit to taking a sip or two from the koolaid so let's take a closer look and see if CAP is really meant for social media.
- CAP's mission is connecting with and helping people. - The most powerful value of blogs is the functionality to develop relationships through conversations. CAP has the most amazing stories to tell. Each WING (CAP Chapter) could write its own book.
- CAP's mandate is also to education. Podcasts, vlogs, blogs each offers unique (and fun) ways to provide information and peer-to-peer interaction. Using YouTube and iTunes as distribution channels can increase reach.
- The WINGs don't have a lot of money. - Blog platforms, like Blogger and Wordpress are free.
- One of CAP's challenges is to reach diverse audiences: prospective cadets, cadets, adult volunteers, media, corporate sponsors, parents, community supporters, businesses, pilots .. to name a few. - Multiple social media strategies are a way to provide content that addresses specific needs of members of their community. Podcasts, multi author blogs and online photo albums area a few more ideas.
- As one might expect the cadets are all over social networks. There are amazing Flickr photos, YouTube videos, MySpace sites and Facebook groups. There's even a Facebook group for girl cadets. However, it's not all under twenty somethings who are using social media to reach out to other volunteers and people who share their passion. Adults are there too. - Hang out where your people are .. why not a WING Myface page and/or Facebook group?
- Since there are CAP members involved in social networks and blogs listening in on those conversations - and then joining in - would be a terrific way to obtain informal feedback and first step research.
Yes, Divas sure seems to me that CAP is meant for social media.
Lessons Learned: Keep an open mind to new ways of doing business .. or new ways of doing life!
Read More About Marketing For Non Profits
Katya Andresen
Nedra Weinreich
Beth's Blog

Friday Fun is Diva Marketing's
virtual happy hour from cosmos to Jack to lemonade. A waiting for the
weekend 'playground' time to be sophisticated-silly. Or sometimes just
plain silly.
It's been a busy week in the biz blogophere with few interesting and intense conversations going on. This Friday Fun is about taking a breath and chillin'. If your week was stressed spend a few minutes visiting the park where some edgy Jealous Animals hang out. I don't know where I found but I think the Toronto Zoo developed it . Make sure you visit the fish .. very cool.
NYC Blogger Meet-up Friday July 7th! If you're in Manhattan today and want to chill with a few diva bloggers - Teresa Caro, Peg Samuel of the Social Diva <Social Diva NYC Blog> fame and me at the Maritme Hotel - South Bar. The Maritime is located at 88 9th Ave b/t 16th & 17 Streets. South Bar is closer to 16th Street. Time: 5:30psih .. The Social Diva tells me that New Yorkers kick back early!
Shameless plug: Teresa Caro - Avenue A/Razorfish, Dave
Williams, 360i, and I will be teaching a class on eMail Marketing, SEO
and social media/blogs at the Fancy Food Show on Saturday afternoon July 8th. We get to eat all the samples we want. My diet starts again on Monday!
Biz Astro Tips
business astrology for fun
By Diva Astrology Bloggers Paula Dare & Donna Page
You get to start your week with a Full Moon in Capricorn and Mercury moving into Cancer. Are you stressed out at work? Have you bitten off more than you can chew? Too many responsibilities may be weighing you down. Perhaps it would help if you delegate some of your duties.
Take a look around and see if any of your employees are carrying more than their fair share. This would be a good time to have a meeting and order lunch for everyone. You’re likely to communicate your plans for your business effectively.
Technorati Tags: Friday_Fun, Astrology, New_York_Blogger_Meet-up

n Friday Fun is Diva Marketing's
virtual happy hour from cosmos to Jack to lemonade. A waiting for the
weekend 'playground' time to be sophisticated-silly. Or sometimes just
plain silly.
Today's Friday Fun is nibble of bittersweet chocolate.
Paul Chaney of Radiant Marketing (until 11:59pm tonight) is closing the virtual doors to his blog and moving on to new adventures and opportunities. Paul holds a special spot in my heart he was my first .. my first in-person blogger friend. Gotcha! After an AiMA event we spent hours in an Atlanta biker's bar talking about blogs.
Blogging Systems recognized Paul's talent and made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Paul's new gig is VP of Marketing. Lucky for our emerging industry that Paul Chaney's new corporate home is in the social media space. Although Radiant Marketing will be no more, catch Paul blogging at Blogging Systems Blog, Realty Blogging, Blog For Good and look for a new blog Sweet Tea.
Around the same time that Paul began exploring opportunities with Blogging Systems he met his soul mate. Next month wedding bells will ring for Paul and Aime. Nice when good things happen to good people.
NYC Blogger Meet-up Friday July 7th! If you're in Manhattan next Friday night meet up with a few diva bloggers - Teresa Caro, Peg Samuel of the Social Diva <Social Diva NYC Blog> fame and me at the Maritme Hotel - South Bar. The Maritime is located at 88 9th Ave b/t 16th & 17 Streets. South Bar is closer to 16th Street. Time: 5:30psih .. The Social Diva tells me that New Yorkers kick back early! Drop a comment and let me know if you're coming!
Shameless plug: Teresa Caro - Avenue A/Razorfish, Dave Williams, 360i, and I will be teaching a class on eMail Marketing, SEO and social media/blogs at the Fancy Food Show on Saturday afternoon July 8th. The pay's not all that great but we were promised all the samples we could eat!
Biz Astro Tips
business astrology for fun
By Diva Astrology Bloggers Paula Dare & Donna Page
Happy 4th of July and Good Luck Peachtree Roadrace Runners in Atlanta, GA!
Many of you are taking off early to enjoy the big holiday weekend. Have fun! When you get back to business next week, Mercury will have gone Retrograde on 7/4. Miscommunication, travel snafus, computer problems are just a few of the annoyances during the Mercury Retrograde period.
Mercury will turn direct 7/28. If you have any major decisions to make or contracts to sign, it is best to wait till after 7/28. The best thing to do is to re think your plans. It is also an excellent time in sales to call and reconnect with clients. Hopefully Peachtree runners won't have trouble finding where they parked their cars at the beginning of the race!
Also when you get back to work on Wed, July 5th, you may have a hard time getting back in gear. Mars opposes Neptune. This is not the energy you want to have to go back to work with after a holiday. You may feel very sleepy. Your energy level may feel like you are dragging a 50 lb. bag around your ankles.
Also be careful of who you trust. Don’t take what others say at face value. Don’t believe every word they say.
Technorati Tags: Paul_Chaney, Radiant_Marketing, Blogs, Business_Blogs, Food, Blog_Workshops, Bloggers_Meet-up, Astrology

Met a few blogging friends from around the world in Chicago last month. Kirsten Olsen, re:invention, and Jackie Huba, Church of the Customer are as sylishly smart as you would expect. And my pal from New Zealand, Stephan Spencer, Stephan Spencer's Scatterings, was an exceptional divo! Be on the look out for an interview that Stephen is doing with ABC. It's to be aired next month. Nice article on Stephan's blog about RSS and Implications for Search Marketers.
Stephan invited me to join him in a “Thought Leaders Summit” teleconference sponsored by MarketingProfs.com on
business blogging later this month. Details to follow. Other panel members include: Seth Godin, Robert Scoble, Doc Searls, Shel Israel, Steve Rubel, BL Ochman, Debbie Weil, and Dana VanDen Heuvel. How diva divine is that?!
For those who wondered, I made it to the airport for that 6:30p flight to Des Moines. Was even there before the shops opened. Airport vendors are missing a huge opportunity in not servicing passengers waiting for early flights.
Had a great time at AMA Iowa Chapter luncheon. Wonderful, friendly people. There were over 70 people at the event. Now...let's see who blogs first! Thanks to Arianne Steenblock, chapter prez (John Deere Credit) and Tamara Kenworthy, vp programs-elect (Essman Companies) for their midwestern hospitality. A special treat was meeting Megan, a student at Drake, who is blogging about the AMA for a class project. Thanks for the kind comments about the presentation. Sidebar: I figure if I didn't put Megan to sleep ... it must have been okay (or in IM terms - "k")!

If you're going to be in the metro Des Moines area Wednesday March 2nd - stop by and say hi. I'm talking blogs with the members of the Iowa Chapter of the American Marketing Association. Thanks to Tamara Kenworthy of Essman Research / Essman Associates for the invite.
Blogs must really be a passion for me if I'm willing and eager to make a 6:30a flight!

Looking for a presentation or workshop about the business side of blogs/social media?
- Can't figure out how your organization can get into the blogosphere/social media or if it's even right for your company?
A Diva Marketing Approach May Be Your Answer!
~a strategic marketing & blog/social media consultancy ~
Strategies always customized to support your company's marketing and business goals. Never a cookie cutter approach.
Your expertise that you shared with us was very valuable and in same way "PRICELESS"
Thank you so much for introducing myself and M/A/R/C Research to the world of Blogging. As you know, I was very skeptical at first but I must admit we are enjoying being part of the Blogging community. Merrill Dubrow, CEO M/A/R/C Research
Workshops are never popped out of a can. The Diva Approach to adult
learning is interactive, customized to meet the needs of your staff or
organization with a splash of style and a bit of fun.
She made blogs and blogging understandable.
Her presentation was fun, informative rich and I'd recommend Toby to anyone interested in getting the scoop on blogging. - Lorin R. Robinson, 3M
.... places & people& presentations & workshops .. oh my!
- October 16, 2007 American Marketing Association Marketing Workshop Scottsdale, AZ The Good The Blog And The Ugly
- October 11 & 12, 2007 Lehigh Valley PA Visitors & Convention Bureau Allentown, PA
- April 30, 2007 Healthcare Blogging Summit Las Vegas, NV
- March 23-24, 2007 BlogHer Business New York, New York
- March 20, 2007 AMA Marketing Workshop Las Vegas, NV The Good The Blog And The Ugly
- February 10, 2007 SoCom 07 Atlanta, GA
- January 20. 2006 NAFST Fancy Food Show San Francisco, CA
- December 11, 2006 Healthcare Blogging Summit: The New Rules of Marketing Washington, DC Strategy & Tactics Panel Discussion, Moderator (pre conference to Consumer Health World)
- November 2, 2006 Center for Services Leadership Symposium Phoenix, AZ Building Service Relationships Through Social Media
I knew when I heard you at the AMA conference in January that you would be a timely addition to the Compete Through Service program, and you certainly did not disappoint me or the attendees fortunate to come to one of your break outs! Thank you, Toby, for being an important part of the recent symposium’s success. Steve Brown, Executive Director and Professor of Marketing at W. P. Carey School of Business
- October 23, 2006 AMA Marketing Workshop, San Diego, CA Brave New World – Social Media and Marketing Innovation (The Good the Blog and the Ugly!)
- October 5-9, 2006 Blogonomics - The Business Blogging Cruise Conference Canceled
- September 26, 2006 Joint program: IABC & Society for Technical Alliance (STA) Atlanta, GA Beyond Blogging 101- You’re in the Game Now
You have a lovely presentation style… so it’s nice when people who might only know you via internet get to see you live! Jo Ann McCracken-Redding McCracken & Associates/IABC Program Co-Director
- September 7, 2006 Atlanta Freelance Forum Atlanta, GA Blog Smolog Who Needs It?
- August 31, 2005 Brookhaven Rotary Atlanta, GA Beyond the Blog Buzz
You had a big fan club and everyone enjoyed your talk. Jim Mitchell
- August 3, 2006 Atlanta IT Alliance (AITA) Atlanta, GA Beyond The Blog Buzz
July 29, 2006 BlogHer San Jose, CA Business Blog Case Studies - Panel Discussion
- July 8, 206 NAFST Fancy Food Show New York City Jacob Jarvis Center - Marketing On The Web: What Email, Blogs And Search Can Do For You
- June 21, Reno Chapter of the American Marketing Association, Nevada What?s New In eMarketing?
Best presentation I've seen here!
I thought she covered a lot in a simple effect