In Between The Spaces...Of 9-11


Screen Shot 2016-09-11 at 10.03.50 AMIn between the spaces of silence and words and tears are memories...

That 9-11 is personal.

In between the spaces of silence and words and tears are stories...

That 9-11 is people

In between the spaces of silence and words and tears is inspiration...

That 9-11 is the fortitude of the human spirit

In between the spaces of silence and words and tears is inclusion...

That 9-11 belongs to all of the citizens of the world.

In between the spaces of silence and words and tears are  ... 

That 9-11 is _________ what is in your  .

In between the spaces of silence and words and tears is hope.

That 9-11 must be about our future as much as of our past

This post is dedicated to my dear friend B.L. Ochman.

Photo from @PRyan's tweet.

9/11 Memorial



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Thank you Toby for this lovely dedication. On the 15th anniversary I was offline, staying quiet, reflecting.

There's always going to be sadness and a hole in my heart from 9/11, but as time goes by, it fills with love,

Posted by: B.L. Ochman on Sep 12, 2016 10:10:07 AM

B.L. - my heart is always with you my friend.

Posted by: Toby on Sep 12, 2016 10:46:12 AM

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