In Between The Spaces...Of 9-11
In between the spaces of silence and words and tears are memories...
That 9-11 is personal.
In between the spaces of silence and words and tears are stories...
That 9-11 is people.
In between the spaces of silence and words and tears is inspiration...
That 9-11 is the fortitude of the human spirit.
In between the spaces of silence and words and tears is inclusion...
That 9-11 belongs to all of the citizens of the world.
In between the spaces of silence and words and tears are ...
That 9-11 is _________ what is in your ♥.
In between the spaces of silence and words and tears is hope.
That 9-11 must be about our future as much as of our past.
This post is dedicated to my dear friend B.L. Ochman.
Photo from @PRyan's tweet.