Blogging Tips Inspired From Broadway & Film Musicals


Broadway Blogging
Sometimes life gets in the way of life. And too often life gets in the way of writing blog posts. Sorry Diva Marketing Blog that I've  neglected you. Diva Marketing Blog

Over the next week Diva Marketing will get a boost of posts thanks to a blogger challenge from Darren Rowse of ProBlogger. Darren has challenged those in the blogging community, whos might have lost their groove a bit, to write 7 posts in 7 days based on a series of blog styles that he'll suggest. The first style is a List Post. 

Show tunes often find their way into social media presentations and training I conduct. Music can bring a burst of energy and more than not people begin tapping to the beat. I thought, it might be fun to build a list post about blogging based on the lyrics from the musical theatre. Click on the links to see videos of the songs.

1. Mamma Mia - Song: Mamma Mia

Tip: Begin Again. Blogs are forgiving. If you've neglected your blog it's never too late to start again. If you're lucky you'll fall in love with your blog again.

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Mamma mia, here I go again
My my, how can I resist you?
Mamma mia, does it show again?
My my, just how much I've missed you

2. Breakfast At Tiffany's - Song: Moon River

Tip: Build community. Blogs offer the opportunity for other people to come along with on your adventures. Creating blogs posts are often a solo undertaking. However, through comments (and other interactions e.g. email, even offline) with people who drop by your blog you can 'see the world' with other travelers.
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Two drifters, off to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see
We're after the same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend
My huckleberry friend, moon river, and me


3.Book of Mormon - Song: Hello


Tip: Explore new ideas. As you build your blog you'll learn new things, be exposed to different ideas and meet interesting people many of whom will turn into "real" friendships. Your life will be the richer for the experience. 


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You simply won't believe how much

This book will change your life,
This book will change your life,
This book will change your life!

4. Rent - Take Me Or Leave Me


Tip: Be brave. Writing a blog or creating a podcast or video series is a brave undertaking. You're showing the world who you are through your writing style, thoughts, beliefs. Unlike a traditonal media column, even if your posts are business oriented, they mostly likely are not objective but represent your point of view. Some people will get you and some not so much. But that's okay.



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Take me for what I am

Who I was meant to be

And if you give a damn

Take me baby or leave me


 5. Hair Spray - Song: You Can't Stop The Beat


 Tip: Find your unique voice, niche and audience. Although the format of blogs has gone from text-orient to include photos blogs, podcasts, videos blogs changed the way we communicate and influence.


The blog was the start of a revolution and evolution on how we conduct business from sales to marketing to customer service to networking. The blog provided an entree for consumer journalism. The blog offered a way to for people to provide support for each other during difficult times.


In some form or shape blogs are here to stay... you can't stop the beat!


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You can't stop an avalanche

As it races down the hill

You can try to stop the seasons, girl

But ya know you never will

And you can try to stop my dancin' feet

But I just cannot stand still

Cause the world keeps spinnin'

Round and round

You can't stop the beat!


Your turn! What songs or lyrics inspire your blogging?


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Wow, great post, there are a lot of songs that inspire me to blog but one that stands out is "Eye of the Tiger,"song from Rocky 3 or 4.

Posted by: Williaim on Aug 3, 2016 12:42:50 PM

William - Thanks for the great motivational tunes that will help get folks back into the groove!

Good luck with the #BloggingGroove Challenge.

Posted by: Toby on Aug 3, 2016 12:50:34 PM

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