At it's ♥ Social Media Is Our Teacher.


One of the aspects of social media that I like most is what is at the very ♥. Try as we might (and we certainly keep trying!) we can't corral it.

Gifts on keyboardSocial media is not the beautifully wrapped box you might have opened last week. It's not the gift that you knew exactly what to expect from the shape or size of the package.

The ribbons on our social media package, just as beautiful as that perfect gift, are slightly skewed. The paper is held together by all sorts of different tapes. And when you rip open the package it's not quite what you might have expected. You see Girlfriends, social media is a messy, magical gift.

Sometimes it's playful and brings innovative new ideas. Sometimes it holds a mirror up to help you understand how the operational side of your business is working .. or not. Sometimes it's comforting with friends supporting your efforts.  

  • At it's ♥ social media is our teacher. 

Our friends at MSN Business On Main posted an article highlighting characteristics of successful entreprenurs. Steve Strauss identified the Top 3 Traits of the World’s Best Entrepreneurs: Idealistic, Teammates, Character with Character. Steve's post held an ah ah thought for me. 

Take this back to social media. The Internet has given (most of) us, for good or for bad, a digital footprint trail. Your presence, especially on open social networks e.g. LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and let's add blogs and blog comments, is so easily findable. You have, by default, let loose into the world .. your personal brand .. along with your digital business card.

Your digital footprint trail provides insights into who you are: Idealistic, Teammate, Character with Character. Even if your social media presence is not tied directly to your company, in an adjunct way, you are part of its digital tapestry and it to you. One more way that you can't corral social media.

During 2011, I began to build personal branding workshops that help organizations leverage the benefits from their employees' personal brands while aligning with the company's brand values. My thoughts are this is a critical piece of the social business puzzle. Bernie Borges termed this "corporate personal branding."

Clara Nelson, one of the awesome project managers at the American Marketing Association, understood the concept. She asked if I would team with Bernie Borges, CEO Find and Convert, to develop a 2-day workshop for AMA: Personal Branding Within The Corporate Workplace. Our podcast offers tips on how to begin your corporate personal branding strategy.

So you see, Divas and Divos, although when you first unwrapped your social media present you might have assumed it was simply a Facebook game or Twitter chat. Social media is so much more. Where it will take us in 2012 is anyone's guess. The one thing I do know for certain .. 

  • At it's ♥ social media is our teacher. 

With just hours away from bidding 2011, either a fond good bye or a kick in the derriere .. from the Sound of Music  --

 So long, farewell

Auf Wiedersehen, adieu
Adieu, adieu
To you and you and you

Thank you for your support and friendship. Max and I look forward to continuing the conversation with you in 2012. In the meantime, wishes for a healthy, happy and prosperous year where all that you wish comes true. 

Diva Marketing is part of an online influencer network for MNS Business on Main. I receive incentives to share my views on a monthly basis. All opinions are 100% mine.


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I agree, if there is something that is definitive about social media, it's that it can be moulded in very different ways. It's very elastic and the results and impact varies from factor to factor.

Posted by: San Diego Marketing on Jan 3, 2012 8:39:04 PM

@San Diego Marketing (wish you'd post w/ your name) - great way of looking at social media. Thanks for your comment.

Posted by: Toby @tobydiva on Jan 3, 2012 8:45:01 PM

There are some days when I want to resist any and all forms of social media just because it seems to grasp everyone in a somehow incomprehensible way that is just too silly sometimes. Like depending on Facebook for all invitations to major events, etc. I mean come on! Not everyone has a Facebook account. But gradually I have come to realize that this truly dynamic and seemingly powerful media tool is here to stay, and we just have to enjoy the benefits it brings. I guess the trick is to find the right kind of social media form to fit your business or personal needs. What do you think the future holds for social media forms?

Posted by: Beverly Potts on Jan 4, 2012 2:25:28 AM

I think that Social Media is going to continue to grow. I also think that Google+ will grow into one of the leaders; not overnight, but it's already happening.

Posted by: Ashley@A10sm on Jan 18, 2012 12:37:45 AM

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