The Winner of Diva Marketing MNS Sponsored Branding Tip Contest Is ..


Pink boaChelsea Aures @chelseaaures. Congrats! and toss of a pink boa to Chelsea.

The Challenge: Provide a tip on how to use social media to support branding ~ Social Media Changes the Branding Game post

Our guest judge was BL Ochman of Whats Next? Blog.  BL's reason for her decision ~  Constant self-promoting is transparent. If you've been a useful and helpful part of the online community, people are much more likely to cut you a break when there is a problem.

Chelsea aures _ msn winner branding Chelsea’s  Branding Tip: I really think using social media has a lot to do with telling the story of the brand and interacting with consumers or clients. There has to be some level of communication involved in social media. it is not just a way to have a conversation, but also to share ideas and collaborate. 

Chelsea is attending Dr4Ward’s social media theory class at Syracuse University. Guess Dr4Ward (Bill Ward) is doing some right in his class! I think Chelsea should get extra credit, don't you?

Check out our next contest and you too could win $100!

Challenge: Drop a tip about how a small business owner can use social media to create awarenss PRE Launch. You can go personal branding route or not .. your choice. Guest judge is the small business diva Anita Campbell of Small Business Trends.

The contest ends this Friday , 10-7 .. so click right over now


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Using social media has a lot to do with telling the story of the brand and interacting with consumers or clients.

Posted by: geotargeted search engine optimization on Oct 5, 2011 11:06:28 AM

One thing that I find the most helpful is number five. Sometimes when I write, I just let the flow of the words and information come out so much that I loose the purpose. It’s only after editing when I realize what I’ve done. There’s defiantly a lot of great tips here I’m going to try to be more aware of.

Posted by: feathers hair extensions on Oct 27, 2011 8:56:42 AM

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