Why Don't They Care About Social Media?


Whisper Shh .. I'm going to tell you a secret about social media that no one talks about. But first you have to promise not to tell. If you do people will laugh at you and your social media credibility will vanish faster than last week's greatest tech toy. So you see girlfriend, I have your best interest at heart. Hold that thought for a second.

In the past week no less than three people have said to me something like .. "We know we need to include social media, I mean everyone is doing it; but Toby to put it bluntly, we don't much care."  Doesn't hurt my feelings. I think there are too many people cluttering up the digital air waves with tweets, blogs, Facebook and Linkedin status updates which should be folded back into traditional sales channels. 

However, I couldn't help but wonder .. why don't they care about social media.

1. Could it be the organization doesn't have the resources e.g., people or time to dedicate to an initiative that is on-going?  -  "Yes," I was told, "But ... "

2. Could it be the people don't know how to integrate social media into an overall master marketing plan to ensure it supports the brand? - "Yes," I was told, "But ... "

3. Could it be that VIPs are demanding numbers, spreadsheets, results. It can be confusing how to pull that out.  Polly Wade has written a detailed post, on Business on Main, highlighting five metrics from Jay Baer's book The NOW Revolution. However, Polly also reminds us benefits are found in other ways as well. "Sometimes it's a comment on a blog or connection between two people that can make a world of difference to a company."

4. "Yes," I was told. "Those were all good reasons but .." - But what? Perhaps it was the content. Social media is a long, long LONG time initiative. How do sustain a blog, Twitter, Facebook or any other social media platform day after day, month after month, year after year? It takes more than a content strategy .. it takes a content direction. 

There are many concepts on how to create content for social media. In her Ask Business on Mail response, Barbara Findlay Schenck advices that, other than in your About page, the personal should not be included in a business blog.

I respectfully disagree with Barbara. For me, social media is about not only sharing knowledge, but sharing your self. How much you "give" is up to you and the culture of your company. However, it is through what one might call the mundane that relationships are built. In the Diva Marketing post Building Social Media Business Relationships With The Mundane I give you 10 Tips to Decorate Your Social Media Walls.  "Yes, content sustainabily is a concern as well." I was told. "But ..." -

As they continued to talk I listened more closely. (Which is what I should have been doing rather than trying to solve the problem right off.) I began piecing the conversations I had together like a giant jig saw puzzle. Then the ah ha moment came!

I realized these people just did not Like social media. Oh sure they might have dabbled in Facebook, created a Linkedn profile and perhaps even tweeted a time or two. However, at the end of the day, it made no sense to them. They considered social media a waste of time .. for them personally. Social media held no value for them.

They grudingly admitted that some of their customers were active on social networks. Perhaps social media might hold a place as a new channel to "message" (ouch!). And of course, everyone was doing it.

It will take more than one chat to help them understand a new way of thinking about business Fail communincation. However, what I could tell them, at that second in time, was there would be better than a 50-50 chance their social media efforts would fail.

Now the big secret. It's critical to have an internal social media champion who Likes social media. Of course, the person should not only understand the impact social media marketing will have on the business and brand, but is actively participating and has strategy and tactic skills. 

A bonus secret .. to be really successful in social media it is not sufficient that you are what is today's hot buzz word - "likeable." You must also like people. But that's a post for another day.

Diva Marketing is part of an online influencer network for Business on Main. I receive incentives to share my views on a monthly basis.

Graphic credit: The Lost Jacket


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I LOVE this post. It rings so true and I will be sharing it with the powers that be.

Happy Social Media Day!

Posted by: Rachel Simon on Jun 30, 2011 9:08:12 AM

Rachel - Thanks for your comment; so glad that you dropped by, I was thinking of you as I wrote this post and how lucky the JF&CS is that you will be their "social media champion!" Happy Social Media Day to you too!

Posted by: Toby Bloomberg on Jun 30, 2011 9:18:35 AM

Have you seen how Starbucks is promoting Dunkin Donuts recently online? Ok, not exactly, but they are promoting Marvel comics hard on their wifi login page and it happens to lead to the Marvel Comics page WHICH has Dunkin Donuts ads ALL over it!! Do you think Starbucks realized this when they signed the deal? I don't think so. Just type in "Starbucks marketing fail Marvel Comics" into Google and you will be surprised.....

Posted by: David Patterson on Jun 30, 2011 9:59:37 AM

My experience is that they SAY they don't like Social Media, but in reality they do not understand SM and are too ashamed to admit it.

Posted by: Lya Sorano on Jun 30, 2011 5:02:08 PM

This is so true! social media is an effective tool to get exposure and for creating brand awareness. the best part of social media is that you can have others opinion about your product.. i guess this is the only reason why we are seeing such a huge turnouts of companies in media’s like FB & Twitter

Posted by: Virtual Business Assistant on Jul 1, 2011 12:24:02 AM

Pure fact. They just don't care or like social media because they don't really understand it clearly.

Posted by: Social Marketing Dynamics on Jul 3, 2011 4:19:53 AM

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