Diva Marketing Talks Social Media + eMail with Simms Jenkins and Morgan Stewart


Diva Marketing Talks is a live, internet radio (BlogTalkRadio) show. 30 minutes. 2 maybe 3 guests. 1 topic about social media marketing. Why? To help you understand how to participate in the "new" conversation without getting blown-up. Miss today's show? You can pick it up as a podcast or listen on your computer.. 

On today's Diva Marketing Talks we're exploring how a "traditional" interactive tactic .. eMail can be integrated with social media to produce more compelling campaigns. 

Joining me as to talk about, what to some people seems a bit anti-intuitive, are Simms Jenkins, CEO, BrightWave Marketing and Morgan Stewart, Principal, ExactTarget's Research and Education Group.

The Details

eMail Marketing and Social Media: Marketing's New PBJ

August 19, 2010
Live At: 4:00p - 4:30p Eastern/ 3:p - 3:30p Central/ 2:00p -2:30p Mountain/ 1:00p -1:30p Pacific
Call-in Guest Number: 718.508.9924

2008SimmsJenkinsHeadshot  Simms Jenkins is CEO of BrightWave Marketing, an award-winning agency specializing in email marketing and digital targeted messaging programs. BrightWave Marketing partners with clients in the development, management and strategic optimization of digital messaging programs that drive revenue, cut costs and build relationships. Jenkins has led BrightWave Marketing in establishing a top tier client list including Affiliated Computer Services (A Xerox Company), Chick-fil-A, Cox Business, O’Charley’s, RaceTrac Petroleum and Ted’s Montana Grill as well as leading advertising and marketing firms.

In 2010, Jenkins was awarded the prestigious AMY 2010 Marketer of the Year from the American Marketing Association’s Atlanta Chapter for being the top agency marketer. Jenkins is regarded as one of the leading experts in the email marketing industry and is the author of The Truth About Email Marketing, which was published by Pearson's Financial Times Press. 

Jenkins is currently the Email Marketing Best Practices Columnist for ClickZ, the largest resource of interactive marketing news, information, commentary, advice, opinion, research, and reference in the world, online or off-. His industry articles have been called one of the top 21 information sources for email marketers. 

Additionally, Jenkins is the creator of EmailStatCenter.com, the leading authority on email marketing metrics. Prior to founding BrightWave Marketing, Jenkins headed the CRM group at Cox Interactive Media. 

Jenkins serves on the eMarketing Association's Board of Advisors and recently completed his tenure as a Board Member of Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association (AiMA). Jenkins is a graduate of Denison University in Granville, Ohio and resides in Atlanta’s Brookwood Hills neighborhood with his wife and three children.

Find Simms on: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, The BrightWave Blog, eMail Stat Center and his book website - The Truth About Email Marketing.

Stewart1  Morgan Stewart is the Principal of Exact Target's Research and Education Group. Morgan began his email marketing journey in 1999 when he managed the development of Pampers websites and email marketing programs across the U.S., Western Europe, and South America. Morgan came to ExactTarget in 2004 to launch ExactTarget's strategic consulting group, which he managed for more than 3 years. His true interests lie in demographics and studying how consumers interact with brands. He now serves as ExactTarget's industry expert on marketing trends across all interactive channels. 

Considered one of the industry's thought leaders in interactive marketing research, Morgan is a regular columnist for Mediapost's Email Insider and frequently appears in industry publications such as MarketingProfs and iMediaConnection. His work has also been featured in leading publications such as Fortune, Forbes, Newsweek, Mashable, and AdWeek. 

Find Morgan on: Twitter, Email Research Blog, Subscribers Rule eMail Subscribers, Fans, and Followers

Tips From The Diva Bag 

Complements of Simms Jenkins

Integrate not Isolate

Email Isn’t Dead or Dying

Social is Email’s New Best Buddy So Get Used To It 

Know Your Audience

Follow Your Customers 

Don’t Market in Silos

Talk Uniquely Where Your Customers Are

Don't Be the Cut-and-Paste Social Marketer

Share Content and Value

Use Both to Build Permission Databases 

Test & Measure 

Complements of Morgan Stewart 

Email, Twitter and Facebook all have unique strengths (and weaknesses) in the minds of consumers

Email’s key strengths are Relevance and Exclusivity – consumers expect highly tailored content that makes them feel special

Twitter’s key strength is Influence and Interaction – the people that are most active on Twitter have huge voices across the internet and they want to interact directly with brand insiders

Facebook’s key strengths are Entertainment and Discovery - Consumers use Facebook because it’s fun to see what their friends are into... Which includes brands. Consumers don’t go on Facebook planning to interact with brands, but they consistently find new things that peek interest through friends.

Marketers need to understand and leverage these nuances in order to develop integrated and optimized messaging strategies.

Consumers do not operate in digital silos. Marketers can’t afford to operate in silos either.


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Marketers need to understand and leverage these nuances in order to develop integrated and optimized messaging strategies.

Posted by: thomas sabo on Aug 24, 2010 1:44:22 AM

I think Simms' assessment of the different mediums is spot on, especially that email isn't dead and to understand the pros and cons of the different marketing formats.

Posted by: Lifepath on Aug 24, 2010 10:46:03 PM

Thanks for letting us in on your conversations. It helps us all to learn a bit more!

Posted by: Pablo Edwards on Aug 26, 2010 3:52:30 PM

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