Digital Conversations Need New Talents To Talk To People
My friend Caryl is getting started in social media. It's fair to say that Caryl is not a digital native but I felt for certain she'd feel right at home in the world of online conversations. She is one of the friendliest women I know. She's funny and smart and the first person to make a new comer in the group feel comfortable. She has the talent of talking to people.
I was surprised when she mentioned she hadn't dropped into her LinkedIn page since we set it up 4 months ago. Her reason was simple - she didn't feel comfortable. "How could that be?" I thought. Caryl is a People Person with cap Ps. Social media = people.
As we talked I found a few reasons why it wasn't as simple as dropping into a Chamber networking event for her.
Caryl's 4 Big LinkedIn Questions
1. How do you engage and determine interest without physical or tonality cues?
2. How do you jump into the conversation when you don't know the people?
3. How do you enter the conversation without being invited?
4. How do you know when to continue the discussion when there is no feedback from the group?
8 Ideas On How To Join A LinkedIn Conversation
1. Read the post and any subsequent comments before jumping into the the discussion.
2. Review the profile's of the people interacting on the thread. You may find some ideas of how to frame your remarks that add specific ideas for your group members.
- 3. Remember the culture of (most) social networks is not based on who you know but what you share.
4. Remarks are welcomed that take the conversation into areas where new ideas are explore and even when the status quo is debated.
5. Realize that although your input may be considered valuable people may not comment back. Don't take it personally.
6. Returning often to the group will help people know you better, you them and increase your comfort level networking in the social web.
7. Results often lead to "off LinkedIn" conversations where you can continue to build relationships in more depth.
8. Respect the people in your group by keeping your comments on topic *no spammy or overt selling in this world.
What advise would you give Caryl to help her feel more comfortable using LinkedIn and social networks?
note: thanks to jbrotherlove for the edit love.