Diva Marketing Talks Tweet Chats with Mack Collier, Dana Lewis and Marc Meyer


Diva Marketing Talks is a live, internet radio (BlogTalkRadio) show.  30 minutes. 2 maybe 3 guests. 1 topic about social media marketing. Why? To help you understand how to participate in the "new" conversation without getting blown-up. Miss today's show? You can pick it up as a podcast or listen on your computer.

On today's Diva Marketing Talks we're Taking Tweet Chats Beyond 140 Characters. Twitter opened the door to interactive, real time networking, relationship building and learning .. one 140 character tweet at a time. The next generation of tweets takes it up a notch to structured conversations among many.

"Tweet Chat” pioneers join me to talk about the value and implications of Tweet Chats: Mack Collier, @mackcollier #blogchat; Dana Lewis @danamlewis #hcsm; and Marc Meyer @marc_meyer #socialmedia.

Note: Tweet chats are structured Twitter discussions that are held at a specified time. All tweets in the stream are tagged with a special hashtag to make it easy to follow the conversation.

The Details

October 6, 2009: Taking Tweet Chats Beyond 140 Characters
Time: 6:00p - 6:30p Eastern/ 5:p - 5:30p Central/ 4:00p -4:30p Mountain/ 3:00p -3:30p Pacific
Call-in Guest Number: 718.508.9924

Mack collier Mack Collier is a social media consultant, trainer and speaker. He has been actively immersed in social media since 2005. While being passionate about the social media space, what truly excites Mack is the human connections that can result from the proper use of these social tools. His motto is "Don't focus on the tools, focus on the connections that the tools help facilitate."

His social media 'homebase' is The Viral Garden. In 3-years Mack has grown it into an influential marketing/social media blog with a monthly readership of over 175,000. He is also a frequent contributor to the website Marketing Profs, as well as the marketing blog Daily Fix, and small business blog Search Engine Guide. His writings have been referenced in several mainstream publications and websites, including The Washington Post, MSNBC.com, Ad Age, CNET, and The Boston Globe. @mackcollier #blogchat

Dana lewis Dana Lewis is an experienced consultant and freelance writer in the fields of healthcare communications, social media, public relations, and more. Currently an undergraduate at The University of Alabama, she will complete two bachelor's degrees in public relations and political science in May 2010. Dana co-created and moderates the weekly #hcsm (healthcare communications and social media) conversation. @danamlewis #hcsm

Marc meyer

 Marc Meyer is the co-founder of Hashtagsocialmedia.com. He's also the Director of Search & Social Media for Digital Response Marketing Group, A boutique digital marketing agency based out of Naples, Florida, and he writes about all things marketing, media and technology related at Direct Marketing Observations. @marc_meyer #socialmedia

Tips From The Diva Bag

Complements of Dana Lewis

1. TweetChats are about people using Twitter to talk about one or more related things - don't put up barriers to keep people from joining the conversation. Also, don't expect to control the conversation. The best discussions aren't structured and are the ones that naturally emerge from the built-in community.

2. TweetChats aren't the answer to every "problem" facing a group of people. At some point, action is needed. The best TweetChats are those that serve as a water cooler for a community that is diversified and widespread. It's important to bring people together to share triumphs & brainstorm ideas to overcome challenges. It's also important to remember that we should take action & keep pushing the envelope!

3. There may be such a thing as "too many TweetChats". Don't feel pressured to take part in every group. Feel free to pick and choose when to participate actively and when to "lurk" or read over transcripts at a later time. Use these chats as resources & take advantage of the people who migrate to various chats - they can be perfect resources for your next challenge or project!

Complements of Marc Meyer

My tips come from some of my past blog posts:

1. Always be a first-rate version of yourself on Twitter, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else

2. Yea Twitter is cool, but in actuality what if it disappears tomorrow?. What will you do? So nurture the connections that you make and not the platform

3. What are you doing to enhance what you know and what you do? Are you enhancing the relationship, the way that you connect or creating a better conversation? Keep moving forward.

Note: Twitter Chat Schedule developed by Robert Swanwick


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