Diva Marketing Talks About NonProfits and Social Media Marketing With Beth Kantor and Alex Brown


Diva Marketing Talks is a live, internet radio show.  30-minutes. 2-guests. 1-topic about social media marketing. Why? To help you understand how to participate in the "new" conversation without getting blown-up. Miss today's show? You can pick it up as a podcast or listen on your computer.

Today's Diva Marketing Talks explores how nonprofit organizations are using social media to not only tell their stories but to encourage donations to their causes, build community and expand their reach. Beth Kanter, prominent social media consultant and founder of BethKanter.org, and Alex Brown, visionary of AlexBrownRacing, will share their insights about the most effective social media tactics to the ROI of social media to how to make it all work on a budget of limited funds and human capital.

Topic for March 10, 2009: Telling The Stories of Social Causes Through Social Media
Time: 6:00p - 6:30p Eastern/ 5:p - 5:30p Central/ 4:00p -4:30p Mountain/ 3:00p - 3:30p Pacific
Call-in Guest Number: 718.508.9924


Beth kanter  Beth Kanter is the author of Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media, one of the longest running and most popular blogs for nonprofits. A frequent contributor to many nonprofit technology web sites and magazines, Beth has authored chapters in several books, including "Psychology of Facebook Applications," edited by BJ Fogg, Stanford University and "Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission: A Strategic Guide for Nonprofit Leaders," edited by NTEN both to be published in 2009.

A much in demand speaker and trainer, and she has trained nonprofits in social media techniques literally around the world. In 2009, she was named by Fast Company Magazine as one of the most influential women in technology and one of Business Week's "Voices of Innovation for Social Media." In March, 2009, she will serve as the 2009 Scholar in Residence for Social Media and Nonprofits for the Packard Foundation. You can also reach Beth on Twitter.

Alex brown Alex Brown manages AlexBrownRacing.com. The site has raised more than $1 million to rescue horses from horse slaughter in a little over two years.  The site uses a blog, discussion board, wiki, a Facebook Group, YouTube Group , Flickr and Twitter

Prior to his involvement in AlexBrownRacing Alex worked  in Business School Admissions and managed online communities for Wharton (Alex's interview with Diva Marketing).  He's also written whitepapers on Engagement Marketing and Transparency and is a sought after conference speaker. In 1997, Alex was one of the first to teach Internet Marketing in 1997 at a higher education level. He taught the topic for 10 years and his innovative approach included to teaching was one of the first to include student and course blogs.

Tips From The Diva Bag

Complements of Alex Brown

1. Integrate and be deliberate. Your social media campaign should be integrated within itself and the remainder of your marketing. And you should be very deliberate in your strategy and tactics. ex. If you have a facebook group, and e-mail the group members. Then what is the strategy regarding using this e-mail outlet, and how do the e-mails integrate with other vehicles used.  Just because you can should not mean you should!
2. Just because there is a social media tool does not mean you need to use it.  Myspace may or may not work. Facebook may or may not work for you.  Take risks and experiment, but then stick with what works for you.
3. Don't forget "old" social media tools.  A discussion board is older than the web itself, yet it still might be your most useful social media tool.

Complements of Beth Kanter


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Sounds like a winner....great topic and noted experts!

Posted by: marianne richmond on Mar 10, 2009 11:18:40 AM

Great post. Kudos to Alex Brown and all the great work his organization are doing.

Posted by: Stefanie Hartman on Mar 10, 2009 7:46:29 PM

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