Fresh Air Fund Needs Host Families


As a little girl summer meant counting the days until I boarded a bus for camp in Maine. Mom would spent hours and hours planning, packing and sewing those little name tags on shorts and t-shirts. What I would give now to spend 3-weeks at camp!

Fresh_air_fund Tonight I a received an intense, passionate email from Sara Wilson of Fresh Air Fund. Fresh Air Fund has been providing summer holidays for NYC children since 1877.  Quite a legacy.

Inner city children are matched with families for a 2-week (or more) vacation with the host families. Sara needs help for 200 children, who will be very disappointed, if August families are not found .. SOON.

: By the way this was a great blogger relations out reach. It touched my heart, gave me the information I needed, sometimes I post about non profit causes and children (though I am Not a mommy blogger!) so it was relevant. I could not only feel good about helping a program I believe in but spin it as a lessons learned about social media marketing .. blogger relations.

Sara's email.

I don't know if you've heard of the Fresh Air Fund before but I need your help. We're already well into July and I have 200 children who have yet to be placed with host families for August. Since you are a top blogger, I would love your help getting the word out that we need host families who will welcome a child from the city into their homes next month.

Since we need all prospective families screened and vetted by the end of July, time is of the essence. I could really use your help. To make everything simple, I've set up an online resource page with everything you need to blog or learn more,

This is so time-sensitive and important to the lives of these children, I want to help you in any way I can. This appeal comes straight from the top, so please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or need anything at all.

Thank you so very much,

Sara [email protected]

Please help if you can. Please pass along if you know people who may be able to help.Thank you.

Update: Got to wondering why Sara chose to tap bloggers for this out reach. Thought you might be enjoy her response.

"The reason we are tapping influential bloggers like yourself is because in the "blogosphere" as you know there are no boundries.

We are of course using other methods of reaching prospective families and interested parties, but the this medium is so vast and has so much potential it would be silly not to take advantage. The Fresh Air Fund has not tried this method of outreach before, but it seems to be a great way to reach a targeted demographic."


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