What Does Social Media Mean To You? With BL Ochman, Duncan Wandle & Michale Pranikoff


What Does Social Media Mean To You? is a continuing video series of Little Sound Bites of thoughts and insights. Perhaps you'll be on the little Flip video next time we meet!

Today's post of little Flip social media marketing moments are complements of three PR professionals:  BL Ochman - whatsnextonline Founder,  Duncan Wandle - Disney Sr. Vice President Global PR and Michale Pranikoff - PR Newswire Director of Emerging Media. Although their definitions differ they all come back to the Big C & P Words .. Communication and People.

B.L. Ochman,  whatsnextblog.com whatsnextonline.com

Sound Bite

Completely new avenue of getting all of the elements of communication together.
A new way of meeting people.

Sidebar: B.L. has the best laugh. If you watch it for nothing else this is sure to make you smile too!

Duncan Wandle Disney

Sound Bite

Creating dialog with consumers.
Not talking directly at consumers.
Biggest future trend will be companies building platforms that allow (and encourage) consumers to talk with one another

Michael Pranikoff, PR Newswire Michael's del.icio.us page

Sound Bite

All about engagement.
Connecting with people anywhere in the world who have the same interests



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Toby, it would be great if you added your own video with thoughts to these great speakers. I'd be interested to hear your ideas on social media as well.

We are also planning to build a platform for our clients and their clients to socialize/communicate through us and thus enhance the brand awareness of the company.

Posted by: Shavkat on May 28, 2008 6:11:28 PM

this is increadible. Site after site, blog after blog is all about social media.

Posted by: Troy Bingham - Power Dialer on May 29, 2008 11:59:52 AM

BL is adorable. Good post. I like the idea of "sound bites" - kind of the Twitter of video clips. I appreciated that you summarized in text.

I am surprised by the number of video or audio clips of indeterminate length and content with tags like "my thoughts" that one can find on blogs.

Posted by: Linda Sherman on May 31, 2008 7:20:51 PM

Very interesting subject!

Posted by: Marketing sussex on Jun 3, 2008 6:38:13 AM

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