Top Ten Shel Israel Secrets That Even Shel Israel Doesn't Know About Shel Israel
BBF Shel Israel gave me a new year's present. Thanks Shel! He tagged me and Liz Strauss, Pat Phelan, Loic Le Meur Mer, KP Paine, Chris Heuer and Robert Scoble with the 8 Secrets Meme Game. You know the one you tell 8 things people don't know about you and then you tag 8 more people to play and then they tag 8 more people and so on and so on ..
Well, girlfriend to be completely honest and transparent and authentic .. I have no fabulous secrets to tell you. Amazing Divine Diva Liz Strauss told me she had none either - that I find hard to believe. So instead of telling you 8 boring things about us we thought we'd have some fun and cross post The Top Ten Secrets About Shel Israel That Even Shel Israel Doesn't Know About Shel Israel.
#1. It's not true that Shel knows everyone. He hasn't met one of the six fake Tazmanian Chris Brogans.
#2. Shel is not short for Shelly of the female persuasion. Shel was born Shel Red Sofa just outside Topeka, Kansas. He changed his name to Israel in 7th grade after a girl at school called him a "couch potato."
#3. Shel has never been seen wearing Connie Reece's pink boa.
#4. A recent quote from Shel "An Aussie snake with a lot of balls is noteworthy."
#5, Shel is an obscure Incan word that means "man who talks to Scoble in print without wearing clothing."
#6. When Shel was in college, he won a contest in which he drank a strawberry fruit smoothie while doing Irish Step Dancing with Meryl Streep's cousin, Louella. Shel is the staring in next season's Dancing With The Stars with BL.
#7. Shel is hanging up his consulting shingle. It was a toss up either go back to his beloved PR or sell shoes at Neiman's or renew his cabbie medallion. He decided to launch a social media community for burnt out bloggers ..calling it Shelomville.
#8. Shel has never been to North Dakota, though he once met a cat with that name and they liked each other.
#9. Naked Conversations was based on a personal experience in Shel's hot tub.
#10. Shel is famous for having great equipment. You'll have to ask him. We're not telling.
We know Shel would want you to link to Toby, Liz, and SHEL ISRAEL. You really should. After all, who are you to break a little boy's heart?
Liz and Toby
P.s. Since this is a Top Ten I'm tagging the last 10 Twitters I read: Dave Taylor, Jake Mckee , Connie Reece, Robert French, Beth Kanter, Jonathan Trenn, Geoff Livingston, BL Ochman, Drew McLellan, Matt Dickman.
P .s. Liz's post is titled The Almost Real Secrets of Shel Israel and is brilliant!