Conversation. A Step To Relationships
How do you develop relationships through social media? It's a question that comes up more times than not from people who are new to social media marketing. However, telling someone who has just begun her "sm" adventure to join the conversation, comment on a post, get involved not only can sound intimidating but blog speak gibberish can be as confusing as corporate speak.
Skipping around the blogosphere I came across three wonderful posts from three favorite Divas, Valeria Maltoni, CK Kerley and Wendy Piersall. Their posts dove-tail and after commenting on Valeria's and CK's posts I thought .. hmm .. this would be a tangible example of how joining the conversation might look. Plus the posts do support each other and it's fun to bring them to your attention, if you haven't found them already.
To start .. in her post, You're Asking The Wrong Question, Valeria continued the conversation begun by Wendy about the issue that many marketers have - "How can you keep control of your brand with a blog, social media & user-generated content?" Valeria set the stage for her ideas by spinning off of what Wendy discussed and of course adding her own unique thoughts:
My slight contribution to her short answer is that you never controlled the conversation, you only thought you did because consumers did not talk back.
Valeria ended her discussion with a new question to consider -
The right question is how can I let people see as much as possible (and practical) of what's going on so they can choose for themselves?
Commenters on Valeria's post continued the discussion adding their own thoughts and ideas. Here's my addition to the thread -
Long or short ... another thoughtful post. I agree with your stance; smart marketers always knew "you never controlled the conversation, you only thought you did" .. but instead of "because consumers did not talk back" I propose that customers did talk back to companies and to each other. However, technology e.g., the internet, social media has provided our customers with many opportunities for their voices to be amplified and to be heard by more people, who in turn, add their thoughts/voices and take to the "virtual streets."
The challenge for business is not only to listen and learn but to acknowledge, take specific action and become involved in a multiple dimension exchange. The impact from social media goes beyond the importance to join the "conversation" to developing new ways of conducting business including creating internal information processes, as well as, sophisticated customer feedback mechanisms.
When I read this one sentence in CK's Taking It To The Streets post I had a bloggy light bulb moment.
In order to engage executives around social media, they need to feel comfortable.
So simple .. so elegant .. so very true .. and so often forgotten. There are steps to take Before change takes place and people feel at ease participating in a very public conversation. My comment to CK -
Thanks for sharing your time on the 'street.' I especially loved your take away - make people feel comfortable. We talk so much about listening but the step even before "hearing" is to alleviate fears so people are open to new ideas. Helping people feel comfortable (in a safe environment) is critical to making that happen. Bravo CK!
CK acknowledged what I wrote and continued our conversation on step further -
@Toby: Thanks, for sure the bravo goes to Susan Bird for being so savvy to include us. All it takes is a comfortable conversation ;-).
Conversations online hop from one blog to another; thought adding to thought, involving more people; changing morphing ideas. Through idea exchange relationships begin to develop and grow. Rather like in the 'real world' wouldn't you say?
If you're new to the world of public, viral communication I hope you feel comfortable exchanging ideas here on Diva. Consider this a safe space to take the first steps of your travels to an exciting adventure.