Diva Marketing Talks About Search 'N Blogs With Father-Daughter Team Chloe & Stephan Spencer
Diva Marketing Talks is a live, internet radio show. 30-minutes. 2-guests. 1-topic about social media marketing. Why? To help organizations understand how to participate in the "new" conversation without getting blown-up. Miss today's show? You can pick it up as a podcast.
Today's Diva Marketing Talks might be a first in BlogTalkRadio history. Stephan Spencer, a leading voice in search engine ready ecommerce, and his blog-savvy, teenage daughter Chloe Spencer share their secrets of how to use Search to open the doors to your blog a little wider. Chloe also tells why when it comes to earning money babysitting is so yesterday or Web 1.0. Not only should you tune in but bring along your pre teens and teens too!
Topic for September 25, 2007: The Secrets of Search Revealed
Stephan Spencer - Netconcepts, Stephan Spencer's Scatterings (Blog)
Chloe Spencer - The Ultimate Neopets
Cheats Site - Neopets Fantastic
Time: 6:30p - 7p Eastern/ 5:30p - 6p Central/ 4:30p -5p Mountain/ 3:30p - 4p Pacific
Call-in Guest Number: 718.508.9924
Stephan M. Spencer, M.Sc., is president of Netconcepts, a full-service interactive agency with specialization in search engine optimization (SEO) and e-commerce, as well as email marketing through its GravityMail division. Clients include Home Shopping Network, AOL, Verizon SuperPages.com, Discovery Channel, and REI.
Stephan is a frequent speaker at Internet conferences around the globe, from Berlin, London and Santiago to New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, for organizations such as the DMA, the AMA, Shop.org, JupiterMedia/IncisiveMedia (Search Engine Strategies), Internet World, IQPC and IIR. In 1998, Stephan was featured on the cover of In Business magazine.
He is a Senior Contributor to MarketingProfs, a monthly columnist for Practical Ecommerce, and he’s been a contributor to DM News, Search Engine Land, Multichannel Merchant, Catalog Age, Catalog Success, Building Online Business, Unlimited, and NZ Marketing magazine among others. Stephan is also the co-author of the analyst report “The State of Search Engine Marketing 1.0 — New Strategies for Successful Cataloging” published by Catalog Age.
He earned a B.S. in Cellular & Molecular Biology with Honors and Distinction from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and a M.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Chloe Spencer is a 16 year old blogger who has been blogging about the hugely popular kids site Neopets for about two years. Some pages of her website, NeopetsFanatic, sport more than 3000 comments.
Chloe monetizes her 11,000 daily pageviews into cold hard cash with
Google AdSense. She's a busy girl and only blogs once or twice a month,
but still she makes between $10 and $30 per day -- money while she
sleeps! Chloe is an aspiring documentary filmmaker who has lived in New
Zealand for the past eight years. She currently resides in Wisconsin
with her parents and two sisters.
Sidebar: Thanks to BlogHer for the bio.
Tips From The Diva Bag
Complements of Stephan & Chloe Spencer
- Do your keyword research. Tools like Google Suggest and WordTracker will help you figure out what to name your blog, pages, and posts. Titles that have popular keywords in them will get more traffic from Google than titles with unpopular keywords.
- Monetize your blog with Google AdSense. Maximize your revenue from the Google ads by making them blend in. Make the ads match the content by using the same font face, size and color. Don't put borders around the ad unit.
- If you want to make money by displaying Google ads on your blog, don't publish your blog on WordPress.com. Third-party ads like Google AdSense are against WordPress.com's terms of service. Using the WordPress software on your own domain is A-OK though.
Can't call in but have a question for Chloe or Rick ? Drop a comment and I'll ask it for you. Let me know what you'd like Diva Talks to chat about.