The W Magical List of Women Bloggers
Toss of a
pink boa to Ad Age for linking the Power 150 from its home page. It signals one more validation that marketing/business blogs are credible sources and should be taken seriously.
Sidebar: Thanks to Charlie Moran, Advertising Age, for the heads up on the link.
However, there are hundreds, if not thousands of talented biz bloggers
who are not on the P-150 and probably will never make the list. Many are writing on niche subjects that attract a specific community. Some are men and some are women. There I said the "W" Word.
Kami Huyse calculated that of the 150 blogs only 13% are currently written by women. Chris Brown created this ultra cool graphic of the Power 150 Women. As of today Diva Marketing has the honor of #2 Power Blog written by a diva .. with Diva BL Ochman holding tight to #1.
Although all offer great content why these 20? Elena Centor has a few ideas.
I must admit girl friend, some are a surprise to me. For example BBF C.B. Whittemore, who writes about the customer experience in the flooring industry, is #137 on the Power 150. And my blog, Diva Marketing, which frequently is written in a funky 'girl friendly voice' is #2. C.B. began her blog June 2006 while Diva launched May 2004.
Two blogs that at first glance would seem unlikely candidates for the Power 150. Men and women make up both blogs' communities. I can only assume that common denominators include: relevant, enjoyable content that is easy to read and authors who reach out and encourage community.
20 women biz bloggers do not an entire community make .. not when there are thousands of smart women writing excellent content. Where are they? This is a familiar conversation. In fact it is very much like the one that we had at the first BlogHer conference in 2005. Elisa, Lisa and Jory stepped up to the challenge and created a series of vibrant conferences and along with a website for women bloggers.
Two years later Valeria Maltoni asked that same question. To help women find each other and to celebrate women bloggers BBF Valeria collected links to blogs written by divas. Earlier this week Valeria told me that her list was at 125 and growing. Toss of a pink boa Valeria!
Something interesting happened almost as soon as Valeria hit publish. The list turned into a meme that is being passed along with each blogger adding her favorite diva blog links. What began as a women biz blogger list has morphed into a women blogger list. The fact that it is resonating with so women bloggers, and men as well, is as significant as the list itself. The question why are there not more women on the Power 150 is almost an after thought right now.
The W List - or the magical list as some have called it - is a way for women to celebrate women .. a way for women to support women .. a way for women to be ourselves.
Divos you know I love you and Diva Marketing is open to all. Yes, great content is great content but sometimes it's nice to have a GNO even a virtual one. It's not an exclusive party .. well gosh darn .. yes it is! .. but I welcome you to celebrate with us .. join us with a cosmo or a Sam Adams or a Scotch and soda and toast to our joy. New friends are welcome .. divo or diva!
The following W Magical List is by no means the end list. It would be as, Jeneane would say, the bomb, if some smart diva could create a wiki to house the list.
Update: The W Magical List Of Women Bloggers Wiki
developed by Carolyn, A Woman of Purpose
created by you and you and you and you and you and you and you and All Diva Bloggers!
Please add your blog to the wiki. This is only a taste of what is happening/should be happening on the wiki. Hopes are we will create 1 master list of magical women bloggers.
21 Century Collaborative by Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach
45 Things by Anita Bruzzese
A day in an astrologer's life by Jacqueline Bigar
A Girl Must Shop by Megan Garnhum
A Little Pregnant by Julie
A Luminous Halo by Cicily Corbett
Alkamar by Susan Reid
Allied by Jeneane Sessum
A Look at Art & Design: by Lisa
Mikulski still a great pair of legs
by Angie McKaig
Ask Dr. Kirk by Dr. Delaney Kirk
Average Jane by Average Jane
Back in Skinny Jeans
by Stephanie Quilao
and Baggage by Denise Howell
BlogWrite for CEOs by Debbie Weil
Blogaholics by Arienna Foley
Brain Based Biz by Dr. Robyn
Brain Based Business by Dr. Ellen
Brand Sizzle by Anne
Branding &
Marketing by Chris Brown
Brazen Careerist by Penelope Trunk
Build A Better Blog by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff
Build a Solo Practice, LLC by Susan Cartier Liebel
Cafe 360 by Towanda
Career Goddess by Susan Guarnieri
Cheap Thrills by Ryan Barrett
Christine Kane by Christine Kane
Church of the Customer by Jackie Huba
CK’s Blog by CK (Christina
Overtones by Kami Huyse
Conflict coaching and resolution for the workplace by Dr Tammy Lenski
Confession of a Marketing Addict by Sunny Cervantes
Conscious Business by Anne Libby
Contentious by Amy Gahran
Conversation Agent by Valeria Maltoni
Conversations With Dina by Dina Mehta
Corporate PR
by Elizabeth Albrycht
Passionate Users by Kathy Sierra
Creative Curio by Lauren Marie
Crossroads by Evelyn Rodriguez
Cruel To Be Kind by Nicole Simon
Customers Rock!
by Becky Carroll
CustServ by Meikah David
Debbie Millman by Debbie Millman
Deborah Schultz by Deborah Schultz
Decent Marketing by Katherine Stone
GourmetStation Delicious Destinations by Donna Lynes-Miller,
Designers Who Blog by Cat Morley
Design Your Life by Ellen and
Julia Lupton
Design Your Writing Life by Lisa
Diary of Claudine Hellmuth by Claudine Hellmuth
Diva Marketing Blog
by Toby Bloomberg
Do It Myself Blog by Glenda Watson Hyatt
Dooce by Heather B. Armstrong
Downshifting - by Anne Howe
Driving Traffic - Carol Krishner
Eie Flud by Heather by Elise Bauer
Email Marketing Best
Practices by Tamara Gielen
Emily Chang - Strategic Designer by Emily
Enter the Laughter by Marti
Escape Blog by Melissa Petri
Escape from
Cubicle Nation by Pamela Slim
eSoup by Sharon Sarmiento
Essential Keystrokes by Char
Every Dot Connectsby Connie Reece
EvilHRLady by Evil HR Lady
Expansion Plus by Sally Falkow
Fish Creek House by GP
First Light by Julie Keyser-Squires
Flooring The
Consumer by CB Whittemore
Forrester’s Marketing Blog by Shar, Charlene, Chloe, Christine Elana, Laura and Lisa
Franke James by Franke James
Full Circle - Nancy White
Funny Business by Elena Centor
Fusion View by Yang-Amy Ooi
Get Fresh Minds by
Katie Konrath
Get Shouty by Katie Chatfield
Getting Granular by Aimee Kessler Evans
Giant Jeans Parlour by Anjali
Great Presentations Mean Business by Laura Athavale Fitton
Hartsock Communications by Nettie Hartsock
Hey Marci by Marci Alboher
Hip art for playful hearts by Claudine Hellmuth
Horse Pig Cow by Tara Hunt
ifelse by Phu Ly
Illustration Friday by Penelope Dullaghan
In Women We Trust by Mary Clare Hunt
Inspired Business
Growth by Wendy Piersall
Internet Geek Girl by Stephanie Agesta
Jane Geneva by Jane Geneva
J.T. O’Donnell Career Insights
by J.T. O’Donnell
Jemima Kiss by Jemima Kiss
Joyful, Jubilant Learning by Rosa Say
Katya's Non-Profit Marketing Blog by Katya Andresen
KDPaine's PR Measurement Blog by Katie Delahaye Paine
Kinetic Ideas by Wendy Maynard
Kristy T's Home Business Blog by Kristy T
Learned on Women by Andrea Learned
Mkgmd - le mag du marketing multidimentionnel by Christelle Alexandre
Lifeblog by anina
Lindsay Pollak by Lindsay Pollak
Lip-sticking by Yvonne DeVita
Little Red Suit by Tiffany Monhollon
Live The Power by Karen Lynch
Living A Passionate Life by Diane L Dunton
Liz Strauss at
Successful Blog by Liz Strauss
Lorelle on WordPress
by Lorelle VanFossen
Making Life Work for You by April Groves
Marketer Blog by Leslie Jump
Marketing To Women by Holly Buchanan
Mary Schmidt by Mary Schmidt
Manage to Change
by Ann Michael
Management Craft by Lisa Haneberg
Managing With Aloha Coaching by Rosa Say
Mandarin Design Daily:The MEG
Blog by Michelle Goodrich
Marketing Roadmaps by
Susan Getgood
Media Influencer by Adriana Lukas
Mediation Mensch - Dina Beach Lynch
Misbehaving by Dana Boyd, Hilde
Corneliussen, Caterina Fake, Meg Hourihan, Liz Lawley, Fiona Romeo, Dorothea
Salo, Halley Suitt, Gina Trapani, Jill Walker
Moda di Magno by
Lori Magno
Modite by Rebecca Thorman by Molly E. Holzschlag
Assets by Karen Hegman
Netdiver by Carole Guevin
On My Desk by Linzie Hunter
Orlando Avenue by Colleen Kulikowski
Peggy Payne's Boldness Blog by Peggy Payne
Poultry Discussion by Louise
Presto Vivace Blog
by Alice Marshall
Productivity Goal
by Carolyn Manning
Purse Lip Square Jaw by Anne Galloway
Quality Service Marketing by Sybil Stershic
re:Invention by Kristen Osolind
Resonance Partnership by Marianne Richmond
Small Biz Survival by Becky McCray
Small Biz Trends by Anita Campbell
Small Failures: Sustainability for the
Rest of Us by Jess Sand
Spare Change by Nedra Kline Weinreich
Susan Mernit’s Blog by Susan Mernit
Sweet|Salty by Kate Inglis
swissmiss by Tina Roth Eisenberg
Talk It Up by Heidi Miller
Tech Kitten by Trisha
That’s What She Said by Julie Elgar
The Artsy Asylum by Susan Reynolds
The Blog
Angel by Claire Raikes
The Brand Dame by Lyn Chamberlin
The Budgeting Babe by Nicole
the Constant Observer by Trish Grier
The Copywriting Maven
by Roberta Rosenberg
The Engaging Brand by Anna Farmery
The Entrepreneurial MD by
Philippa Kennealy
The Floozy Blog by Kate Coote
The Kiss Business Tool by Karin H.
The Krafty Librarian by Michelle A. Kraft
The Marketing Mix Blog by Ilse Benun
The Parody by Sasha Manuel
this is by Rachel
Toddler Planet by WhyMommy
unstruc chitchat about information by Daniela Barbosa
Veerle’s blog 2.0 by Veerle
Virtual Women's Day Celebrations by Heidi Richards
Water Cooler Wisdom
by Alexandra Levit
Wealth Strategy Secrets by Nicola Cairncross
What A Concept! By Sherry Heyl
What’s Next Blog by B L Ochman
Wiggly Wigglers authored by fellow Podcast Sister Heather Gorringe
Wonder Branding by Michele Miller
Worker Bees Blog by Elisa Camahort
Write Ideas Marketing by Andrea Morris
Ypulse by Anastasia Goodstein