Summertime Marketing Conferences
Girlfriend, a little learning, a few umbrella drinks, a bit of touring .. just in time for summer fun .. a few marketing conferences and events to add to your vacation plans.
May 23 - Atlanta - AiMA's Annual Spring Fling is all about rolling the dice with a night of Casino Networking . Thanks to for their sponsorship and Julia Brown for co chairing this one with me.
June 1 - London - PSFK Conference in London
June 9 - San Jose Social Media Club Starting The Conversation
July 9 -11 - Washington DC - AMA Non Profit Conference. Worth the price of admission if only to hear Sybil Stershic and Katya Andresen speak.
July 13 - Washington DC - Success in the City New Media Nouveaux. Bloggy brag thanks to Geoff Livingston for inviting me to be the closing key note.
July 27-29 - Chicago BlogHer Conference 07
July 31 - August 1 - Chicago Ad-Tech
August 2-3- Detroit - e-Marketing Insight Conference: Trends and Travel Web 2.0
August 6-9 Washington DC eTail 2007 DC
August 7-11- Seattle - Gnomedex
August 20-23 - San Jose - Search Engine Strategies 2007
August 29-30 - Atlanta - CDC Health Marketing Conference 2007