Friday Fun: Civility.Kindness.Politeness In The Blogosphere


Friday Fun is Diva Marketing's virtual happy hour from cosmos to Jack to lemonade. A waiting for the weekend 'playground' time to be sophisticated-silly. Or sometimes just plain silly.

Today's Friday Fun is a beat off the silly and more to the serious side.  Girlfriend, sometimes it's good to have an intellectual conversation while sipping a Cognac or perhaps a cappuccino.

Ethics_2 This week I had the pleasure of talking with Mark Boslet, a journalist for the San Jose Mercury News, who was working on a story about blogging ethics and civility. Got to thinking .. Civility within the blogosphere. Kindness within the blogosphere. Politeness within the blogoshere. Do you consider those oxymorons?

I don't.

Visit this post on CK's Blog if you want to see bloggers with hearts are big as the world wide web.

For the greater good .. three blogs that focus on ethics and doing good.

Ethics Crisis - The focus is on global business ethics. You are encouraged to anonymously confess the most unethical business thing you've ever done and to rate confessions from "always acceptable" to "never acceptable." BL Ochman is the author.

Zaadz - Is about inspiring and empowering people to reach their full potentional and while do so .. do good. Zaadz Team Blog

Honesty Blog - Honors people who have done good deeds. Joël A. Núñez A. Núñez invites you to tell your story of how someone helped you.  Stories are definately a feel good from the heart.
Sidebar: Bloggy transparency .. I've helped Joël a bit with his company.

Civility. Kindness. Politeness. In The Blogosphere.
What do you think? Oxymorons? Or Not?



business astrology for fun -
from The Astro Divas Paula Dare & Donna Page

Friday the 13th may have a reputation of being unlucky but the planets are indicating more of a dreamy, I wish I was anywhere but here vibe. It can be a good day to visualize your ideal life, but in if you don’t finish what you had planned to do or heaven forbid you space out too much while driving and neglect to see the cop ready to pull any infraction over then indeed it will be unlucky.

The new moon on Tuesday in Aries is about beginning something new that you need extra courage and strength for. Where have you been hiding in life and playing it safe? Use the strength of the new moon to reevaluate your goals and take an action that stretches your comfort zone.

Be bold in your business plan, Aries wants to be first, where in your business can you position your company as the first to offer something?  If you're are in the middle of the pack make a plan to be able to be positioned someplace as #1 or the first to offer or provide something by the time the Sun journeys back into Aries next year.


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Nice piece. Should be a must read for politicians. if you're not familiar with Motto - check them out and buy a copy of their magazine at B&N and check it out too.

Posted by: john harper on Apr 14, 2007 11:13:08 AM

thanks for the Zaadz shout out.

for the record, i also don't consider those oxymorons ;)

see you around.


Posted by: ~C4Chaos on Apr 15, 2007 5:58:58 PM

Thank you Toby for including us in your Fun Friday. I hope your readers will also share their stories about honesty and good deeds.

Have a great week!


Posted by: Joël Núñez on Apr 16, 2007 11:08:33 AM

So glad to see ethics blogs getting noticed, and to learn of some I didn't know of before. I already list several others on my own blogroll.

As the author of Principled Profit: Marketing that Puts People First (an award-winning book that's about harnessing high standards of ethics to achieve business success) and the founder of the international Business Ethics Pledge, I've been blogging about the intersection of ethics, business, politics, and journalism since 2005.

The URL:

Posted by: Shel Horowitz on Apr 18, 2007 8:22:28 AM

I'm surprised your business horoscope didn't mention the Google Doubleclick deal! The rest of the web knew about it :D

Posted by: Russell Rockefeller on Apr 18, 2007 10:25:42 PM

John and Shel - thanks for the additional resources.

Joel and "c" - happy to pass along blogs that are attempting to help set a higher standard.

Russell - Perhaps the Astro Divas were talking about Google and Doubleclick when they said, "Be bold in your business plan, Aries wants to be first, where in your business can you position your company as the first to offer something." Or this, "The new moon on Tuesday in Aries is about beginning something new that you need extra courage and strength for." (Smile)

Posted by: Toby on Apr 18, 2007 11:42:06 PM

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