Atlanta Blogger Meet-up 3-18-07


Question: What do bloggers do when BBF (blogger best friends - terms compliments of Masiguy) come to town?
Answer: Meetup!

Josh Hallett, Hyku is coming to Atlanta next week. Join Jeneane Sessum - Allied, George Sessum - Musick, me and other Atlanta bloggers like Carol Krishner - Driving in Traffic for a Beermicro brew with Josh at the 5 seasons brewing.  This is the same place where Robert Scoble's Atlanta meet-up was held. Nothing short of cool for Josh!

PodCamp Atlanta people are warmly welcomed! By the way, Josh is the kick-off speaker at PodCamp Atlanta.

Date: Sunday March 18th
Time: 5p to ?
Place: 5 seasons brewing
5600 Roswell Road
The Prado in Sandy Springs
Check out the 5 Living/ 5 Seasons Blog
Thanks to Ken Grisnak.

Sidebar: For you ISP people it is inside! For you OSP it's as close to out as you can get!
Graphic of the swell beer sunglasses complements of Ale Street News


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» Atlanta is Hoppin With Social Media Happenings from Driving In Traffic
Im having a bit of bloggers guilt. Ive been swamped lately and Driving In Traffic has fallen behind. Sorry What has been keeping me busy? Well last week we had the second meeting of the Atlanta Social Media Club ho... [Read More]

Tracked on Mar 11, 2007 9:11:03 PM


As always- I'm looking forward to it. I wonder if they will have any 'green beer' left over from the night before?

Posted by: Carol Kirshner on Mar 11, 2007 8:31:26 PM


Thanks for the reply. I’ve been reading the Diva Marketing Blog for several months now. You always have great topics and interviews. I would actually venture to say that your blog is what pushed me over the edge to dive headfirst into the blogosphere and start something of my own. Thanks for the nudge. ;)

Also, how strange is it that you also own a Jetta? That has still got me tickled. Who would have thought?

Posted by: Mike Templeton on Mar 15, 2007 1:32:14 PM

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Posted by: Kymberlie R. McGuire on Mar 15, 2007 7:39:09 PM

Hey cool blog. I just wanted to invite you to come down to Little 5 Points tomorrow. I am an artist and will be selling my art to raise money for Calvary Refuge Center of Jonesboro, GA. I am doing this because I want to use my gift of painting to help others who really need that help. I was one homeless child, then homeless again after Katrina and Rita, and I just want to give back. Nothing will be over $10.00 and even if you don't like art, just drop by to say hello.

Take care,


Posted by: Johnna on Apr 6, 2007 8:18:52 PM

wow found this link looking for an atl bloggers meet or similar. but unfortunately its an old post, and some of these links no longer work.

oh well ill check ur site for more info

Posted by: B. in Atl on Sep 11, 2008 6:22:17 PM

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