Warning: PayPerPost May Be Hazardous To Your Google Ranking
High search rankings are a big deal for a lot of bloggers - especially those who use their blog as a marketing /business strategy. Be careful if you're in the pay per post mode. Seems that our friends at Google don't like pay per post. In fact, paid text links can cause your blog to be devalued.
Matt Cutts of Google - "Google wants to do a good job of detecting paid links. Paid links that affect search engines (whether paid text links or a paid review) can cause a site to lose trust in Google."
Heard it from: Rusty Brick, Search Engine Round Table who has an interesting post about Paid Blog Reviews: ReviewMe & PayPerPost from multiple perspectives: search engines, advertiser, SEO and the blog writer.
As for me, unless clearly stated, paid posts muck up the issue of trust and credibility; and I can't help but think that it hurts using social media/blogs as a research tool. Wonder what the folks at the social media research firms think.