Does BlogHer Still Have Its Heart?


Friday Fun is Diva Marketing's virtual happy hour from cosmos to Jack to lemonade. A waiting for the weekend 'playground' time to be sophisticated-silly. Or sometimes just plain silly.

BlogHerThis week Friday Fun = BlogHer! I started my piggy bank BlogHer fund as soon as I got back to Atlanta from BlogHer 2005. 

Although I believe in what Lisa, Elisa and Jory wanted to accomplish - to the extent that I happily invested a bunch of volunteer hours behind the scenes - to go from 200 people to 700 at a conference is more than a challenge. My thoughts couldn't help but turn to, "Would the increase in attendees loose the intimacy of 2005?"

Meeting-up with one of the savviest bloggers and dear friend Yvonne DiVita at the Atlanta airport was a  perfect way to begin the trip to San Jose.  Yvonne and I have been invited to participate in a non conference panel conceived by biz blogger diva - Susan Getgood. Susan's  concept  was a series of 5-minute mini case studies of how companies are using blogs. Sort of a spin on the minute dating idea but here cases will be shared with all.

Catching a few rays poolside (after checking email!) I met Maria Benet who was at BlogHer 2005. Although Diva has been up for over 2-years, I felt like a babe in the woods chatting with Maria who has been blogging for over 5 years! When she asked about Max I knew I had found another kindred spirit. She's kindly promised a Blogger Story which will be an adventure to read!

Then I saw Average Jane who was wearing the coolest t-shirt with her cartoon self.  So very fun.  It was off to a BlogHer thank you cocktail party on party bus where who should I find but the Barbara Walters of podcasting in Europe - Nicole Simon.

At the cocktail party Kalyn Denny and Elise Bauer diva food bloggers extraordinaries welcomed me with the warmth that is evident in their writing. It was wonderful to meet these divas who I worked with as a BlogHer contributing food editor.  Elana Centor was there and Nancy White and I met Beth Kanter who blogs about non profits.

Robert Scoble walked in with a video camera and his cute blogger son Patrick. After a quick hug the important question at this party was."Where's Maryam?" "She's parking her BMW." said he.  Hmmm thought the diva bloggers .. equality does not mean chivalry. Maryam, who is as charming as her blog set us straight. They came in separate cars. Okay Robert .. you may stay and play with the BlogHer Divas!

As the party came to a close, Chris Carfi, Lisa's partner and I agreed that altho BlogHer 2006 would indeed be different the heart of BlogHer was indeed alive and well .

Jeneane, Ronni and Koan .. wish you were here. We'll toast you with a CA vino or perhaps an appletini. See you at BlogHer 07!

Astrology_12 Biz Astro Tips

business astrology for fun
By Diva Astrology Bloggers Paula Dare & Donna Page

Very good news-Mercury turns Direct 7/28/06. Communication should start
flowing more effectively. If you’ve been holding off signing contracts, or starting new projects, you’ll likely find things falling into place with more ease.

Other planetary energy suggests it will be a rather pleasant week. It is also a good week to take a look at your company’s image. Are you projecting what you want the customer to see? Go over your mission statement. Are you following it? If you don’t have one, write one.

Special thanks to blog pal Wayne Hurlbert for his very kind post about Diva Marketings Friday Fun series.

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» BlogHer Conference: A Great Inspiration for Open Media Success from The Medical Blog Network
Oh, what a crazy week! Five full days of attending conferences, first AlwaysOn Stanford Summit and then BlogHer. For our readers from the healthcare world, who have not heard of BlogHer, let me direct you to a profile in (Women tap the [Read More]

Tracked on Jul 31, 2006 1:02:36 PM


Sounds like you're having a great time!

Posted by: Mack Collier on Jul 28, 2006 10:46:11 PM

Thanx for the links!! Sounds you are having a great fun and take tons of pics. Enjoy!!

Posted by: Johnpaul on Jul 29, 2006 1:06:05 AM

Sorry I'm not there this year. Miss you all...

Posted by: Ronni Bennett on Jul 29, 2006 8:31:01 AM

Toby, it was so great to finally meet you. Great post about the Blogher conference. I'm having so much fun.

Posted by: Kalyn on Jul 29, 2006 8:45:18 AM

Hi Toby! It was great seeing you again. I don't know about you, but I'm already eyeing my piggy bank for BlogHer '07 in Chicago. Hope to see you then, if not before then. :)

Posted by: Jane on Jul 31, 2006 12:05:32 AM

This sounds like a fun meeting! And this entry is very useful; gives me ideas on projects to do for myself. Thanks!

Posted by: Meikah Delid on Aug 1, 2006 5:10:35 AM

Thanks for the kudos on your wonderful and light hearted Friday Fun Series. Business blogs often need a bit of lightening up as our subject material is often quite technical. A fun post or two also helps to change our writing style to something a bit more informal as business bloggers occasionally get a bit too serious at times. The more light hearted posts help to return the blogger's personality to the posts to better connect with the readers.

Posted by: Wayne Hurlbert on Aug 1, 2006 7:24:57 AM

Good point Wayne, even in a field like mine that can be drab and boring to some (selling insurance) you have to take a fun..more light-hearted approach to get to the consumer. Great Post!

Posted by: Evan on Aug 22, 2006 6:50:14 PM

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