Bridging the Digital Divide


In a world where technology rules it's cool to be a Diva geek. However, one of the biggest challenges we face going forward into the 21st century is how to close the digital divide for millions and millions of people around the globe.

Not only is it critical for the children of the world to have access to the world wide web but it has become a business necessity. Email and website interaction are no longer a nice to have luxury. They are a cost of doing business. Buzz word mavens might even term in Business 3.0 .. not even 2.0 ;-)

Ken Jarboe's article Five Thoughts About ... the digtal divide, published in Darwin, is more relevant in 2006 than it was in 2001.

Why should business care? Because they are in business and this is the future of their business. ... The dynamics of our networked economy demand that we eliminate the divide.

Diva Yvonne DiVita, Lip-Sticking, has an interesting interview with Claudia Jones of AT&T. AT&T is bringing broadband to rural America via satellite. It's a step in the right direction. 

Sidebar: Be sure to catch YPink_boa_13vonne's advice to Ms. Jones on how AT&T can improve their campaigns by including a few marketing to women strategies. Toss of a pink boa to Yvonne! 

Read More About Challenges Facing The Digital Divide
Digital Divide
Digital Divide Project
UCLA Department of Information Studies
Pew Institute

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Toby, you have captured this idea more completely than I ever could have. Much thanks! I've been listening to talk about the digital divide for so long...and seen it first hand, that I find this news from AT&T refreshing. It's a step in the right direction. [of course, I hope everyone notices that the interview is with a WOMAN!] Cheers! And thanks for spreading the good word.

Posted by: Yvonne DiVita on May 12, 2006 1:26:17 PM

Well put Toby.

That divide is a bit daunting, for people of all ages. But, my husband Phil and I recently started an on-line business and are having great fun with it! This at an age one starts thinking of eminent retirement.

It helps when I remember that nobody - not even the very technical people - can keep up with everything that is happening (on either side of the Digital divide).

Posted by: Mollie Foti on May 12, 2006 1:57:34 PM

Yvonne - thanks to you for bringing it to my attention. The internet is eo integrated into my business model that I forget it's not as ubiquitous as it should be for others.

Mollie - I would imagine without the internet your Hawaii-based biz would have way fewer opportunities. Best of luck with your new adventures!

Posted by: Toby on May 12, 2006 2:07:45 PM

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