Diva Marketing In Top 25 Marketing Blogs
Mack at the Viral Garden did a bit of Alexa research on marketing blogs. Drum beat please, ta da...Diva Marketing is ranked in the top 25 .. number
sweet sixteen.
Sidebar: Alexa, a subsidiary of amazon.com, is a search engine that includes traffic rankings.
Mack will be updating the list on Mondays. Nice viral marketing strategy. Now here's one for Mack from Diva Marketing. Brand it. Design a logo that the Top 25 Marketing Blogs can add to their blogs.
Let's spin this one a bit more. Divas, which of your products or services can be spun out further? What can you do by adding a few bells and whistles to increase perceived value?
Let's use Mack's Top 25 Marketing Blogs as an example. What else could Mack do to extend the buzz? Maybe a viral red carpet party that celebrates the work of marketing bloggers? Perhaps he could host a Top Marketing 25 Carnival. Or how about an award for the blog that moves up the furthest in the list the fastest over a period of time. Or a plus/minus ranking a la the F-100 rankings. So many ideas .. so little time. I think you get the concept.
Sidebar: I've copied this list from the Viral Garden .. please excuse the formatting. Yes, there are some big guns missing .. decision on Mack's part.
1 - Seth's Blog - 11018
2 - Guy Kawasaki - 14793
3 - Gaping Void - 18059
4 - Duct Tape Marketing - 18562
5 - Creating Passionate Users - 22087
6 - Marketing Shift - 53816
7 - HorsePigCow - 53986
8 - Brand Autopsy - 85385
9 - Church of the Customer - 87685
10 - What's Next - 90302
11 - Coolzor - 108026
12 - Emergence Marketing - 118773
13 - Jaffe Juice - 126679
14 - Marketing Roadmaps - 137510
15 - Beyond Madison Avenue - 147519
16 - Diva Marketing - 153025
17 - Jack Yan - 163243
18 - Johnnie Moore's Weblog - 165287
19 - What's Your Brand Mantra - 183879
20 - Marketing Begins At Home - 259014
21 - Decker Marketing - 260171
22 - Being Reasonable - 268503
23 - The Origin of Brands - 282050
24 - Crossroads Dispatches - 294041
25 - The Brand Builder Blog - 430378
Technorati Tags: Marketing_Blog, Top_25_Marketing_Blogs, Branding