WOMMA - Free Ethics Teleconference


In the rough and tumble world of social media it's not easy to herd cats - or bloggers - into a space where we can play kindly together. When I speak to marketers, about using blogs as a business tool, one of their FAQs is about ethical implications and trust. On the side of the blogs and comments..the authors and the readers.

Part of WOMMA's (Word of Mouth Marketing Assoc), mission is the creation an Ethics Code that establishes guidelines and best practices. At the heart of the Code is the Honesty ROI: Honest disclosure of Relationship, Opinion, and Identity. DuPoint is the first F100 company to endorse the Code.

Michael Rubin, of WOMMA, asked that I pass along an invitation to Diva's readers to attend a Free teleconference - A Practical Guide to Doing it Right - scheduled for tomorrow April 19th. Time: 12 noon Eastern. Call #: 512.225.3050. Login:772541#. More Information.

Paul_reveres_ride_1 Great way to celebrate Patriot's Day. (Well, Patriot's Day use to be on April 19th until Massachusetts decided it wanted a 3-day weekend holiday and moved it to the 3rd Monday in April.) Perhaps WOMMA's teleconference will be the shot heard 'round the blogopshere!

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Blogs is the right place to post in what u feel and what is right. somewhere where you can voice your opinion
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Posted by: Customer Service on Jun 16, 2006 3:02:38 AM

They are, of course, raising some interesting objections there. What I think many companies have overlooked is how the 'ethical consumer' is rising. Many people don't want to buy products from companies that just aren't transparent, and have questionable ways in which they distribute wealth, take care of its staff, or process their product. I, for one, am one of these consumers – and there is a real growing trend amongst consumers to be going this way. Blogs help to get those consumers, but most companies are just worried about the whole idea of actually being transparent-- it's a whole new thought process for them.

Posted by: jewellery on Nov 15, 2007 6:24:45 AM

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