Carnival of Business


Carnival_barker_2 Come play with me at the Carnival of Business where Tim, MyMoneyForest, makes sure that it's only fun and games and no one picks our pocket.  By the way, Tim is a college student.

I'm sure his blogging experience will give him the edge when it comes to the job hunt. A sign of the times is that CMP Media, The Thompson Corporation and Mansueto Ventures (Fast Company) have positions that require blogging experience. I'm sure more companies will follow and add blog responsibilities.

Speaking of college .. wonder what the new courses will be for future marketing majors. As profs like Alex Brown, University of Delaware, and Robert French, Auburn University teach new business leaders how to use social media tools to promote brands, *only* old school marketing strategies are going to seem like an old-fashioned merry go round ride.

Higher education must integrate interactive concepts into marketing curriculums .. and give it the same respect as traditional marketing. [Diva Marketing post: Blogs Go To School]

A snip from a post by one of Alex's student's Mark Muller.

... we learned today that "times they are a changing" and the Lerner School of Business should step up and help us [students] get a jump on the rest of the competition entering the 'Real World.'

Sidebar: Sort of cross posted on Business Blog Consulting

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Hey, hey, thanks! Hope to see another post from ya next week! ;)

Posted by: Tim MMF on Apr 24, 2006 3:22:17 PM

And here's an example of what students and recent graduates can do when they decide to utilize these new tools for themselves.

(Full Disclosure- I'm a principle contributor at Forward)

Posted by: Justin Estes on Apr 24, 2006 4:47:54 PM

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