AiMA April Event - New Media Trends
Blogs. RSS. Mobile. It's an exciting time to be involved with marketing. But it's also a confusing time. Which channels are most effective to reach your customers and prospects?
AiMA's (Atlanta Interactive Marketing Assoc) April 26th event brings together marketing vips from top a interactive agency - Macquarium, traditonal PR - Ketchum, main stream media - Scripps, and interactive - Yahoo! and DIY Network. JR Mayhew, event chair, has put together an exciting program on New Media Trends. What's Hot Now?
Next week. Wednesday April 26th. 6:30p. Atlanta.Be there.
Sidebar: Atlanta bloggers want to meet-up for a drink before? Drop an email [tobyb1 at gmail . com ]or add a comment. Josh come on back!
Technorati Tags: Blogs, RSS, Workshop, AiMA, Atlanta_Blogs