Loocsixela: 2.0 Web Marketing


Divas and divos the cool kids in Alex Brown's Infotech Applications in Marketing class, from the University of Delaware, are experimenting with a new 2.0 Web marketing tactic they're calling Loocsixela.

If it works the class might write a book about Loocsixela. Or perhaps they'll develop a seminar series about the benefits of Loocsixela. Maybe if they're very lucky their work with Loocsixela might be pay off their college loans. Or at the least a few keg parties.

Actually, it's a search strategy that can be used for good or evil ... Alex asked me to help out with the experiment. Will be interesting to see what happens.

[Update: As of April 26 - Diva Marketing  Google ranked #1for Looscixela.]

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What's up with the Loocsixela link? I kind of like da Bears better. But if you are into beer and brats.........


Posted by: Bruce Fryer on Apr 20, 2006 10:20:25 PM

I like this blog. Found on blogher.com!


Posted by: Jill on Apr 21, 2006 3:35:17 PM

thanks for doing this. you are already ranked above the student blogs! I wanted to link to the search result here but it won't let me. I guess this supports the idea that links coming into a site have an impact on the ranking.

Posted by: alex on Apr 23, 2006 11:19:32 AM

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