
Word_of_mouthWoW WOMBAT was intense on two accounts - back-to-back blogging and information take aways. The WOMMA WOMBAT blog has a wealth of information - posts and podcast interviews. John Moore told us that the posts were so rich he barely took notes. Thanks Doc!

If you want to jump right to chase, WOMMA has posted all of the presentations Free for download.

A few WOMBAT Take Aways
Josh Sinel, Kaava - Consumer Generated Media provides an opportunity to listen to the voice of your customer in the language of your customer.
Zane Safrit, Conference Calls Unlimited - There is a difference between happy customers and engaged customers.
Virgil Simons, The Prostate Net - For my $, The Prostate Net gets the WOMBAT award for the most innovative word of mouth strategy. Virgil tapped into barbers and barbershops to build word of mouth buzz to educate men about prostrate cancer. What's more he's getting results. BiG results. If that's not enough he's turning barbershops wired.

Lots of pink boa tosses: to Dana VanDen Heuvel for pulling the bloggers together and to WOMMA's Andy and Michael for their support in the bloggers' efforts. It was fun to finally meet and blog with Marianne Richmond. Very special thanks to Josh Hallitt for going beyond blogger friendship with rides to and from the airport.

Graphic from artist Michael McConnell

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