Citizen Journalism Does Not Equal Wild West Blogging
Blog buddy, Debbie Weil added an important comment to her Kriptonite story post, that in the long-term, is more significant than if Kriptonite got it right or got it wrong. I think there's a cautionary tale in here about "blogging" vs. "journalism."
Toss of a pink boa to Debbie! We've all seen too many biz bloggers shoot from the hip when it comes to posting about what they perceive is a blogging "no no." That wild, wild west mentality needs to be checked at the virtual door ladies and gents. Not only does it harm your own credibility but provides one more stumbling block in our mission to encourage businesses that blogs are a legit marketing tactic.
Let's take our cue on this one from the good old days of journalism when the facts and truth were paramount. Because like it or not if you're putting it out there for the world to read, you do become a Citizen Journalist.
Sidebar: Dan Gilmor, a highly respected journalist, will be overseeing the new non profit Center for Citizen Media. The goals are to study, encourage and help enable the emergent
grassroots media sphere, with a major focus on citizen journalism. The Center will be affiliated with U of CA Berkley's Graduate School of Journalism and Harvard U Law School's Berkman Center for Internet and Society.
Technorati Tags: Citizen_Journalist, Citizen_Media, Blogs, Business_Blogs, Kriptonite