Friday Fun: Vlogging


MovieslaterealSometimes Friday Fun is discovering people who are out on the edge, leading the charge, taking a risk. Two blogging buddies are doing just that. Elana Centor, Funny Business, and Rick Short, Indium Corporation, are experimenting with business vlogs.

I love the concept of vlogging. If done right, it can bring a dash of the theatrical, to what is often mundane, show another side of people that goes further than blogs or podcasts and is fun on both sides of the camera. Not to mention adding a diva element to your marketing strategy!

Elana is taking a series approach to vlogging. With My American Office, she presents a playful and often intimate look at where we spend a significant part of our days (and too often nights!). Do not come to visit with your camcorder Elana! The Story of the Mardi Gras Rosary is a lovely piece that is about a Hurricane Katrina fund raising effort.

Rick's recent vlog was an interview with Stowe Boyd, president of Corante and editor of Get Real. Stowe talks about the counter-intuitive fear of blogging that many marketers struggle with.  Rick's vlog at the DemoFall is a demo with the guys from VideoEgg about ... what else videos on the net. Was I surprised to find a colleague vlogged - Tim Matanovich, the pricing guru.

All right Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close up.
So as we say in the movies ...
Lights! Camera! Action!


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» Tuning Into vLogging With The Diva from Much Ado About Marketing
Toby Bloomberg, everyone's favorite marketing diva, relates her Friday activities checking out vlogs for Elana Centor and Rick Short. [Read More]

Tracked on Oct 10, 2005 5:07:40 PM


How do you add video to your blog? That does sound like an interesting add on

Posted by: Promo Canada on Oct 8, 2005 12:57:29 PM

Well, I'm very much a newbie at this and I'm hoping that someone will read this explanation and say are making this way more complicated than you have to. In fact I pray that someone says that because I need a tutor!
With that disclaimer, here is what I've been doing.
First you need to create the video. I have used several software programs to do this..I just bought VideoStudio 9 and except for the fact I can't figure out how to rearrange the order of the clips, it's going well.
Then you really need to compress it so your blog will accept the file and people will be able to stream it in a reasonable amount of time.I purchased Sorensen Squeeze to make the file as small as possible.
Then you need to save the file in several formats: Quicktime, real player, etc.
On my first vlog many people, including Toby couldn't open the file in their players -- Once you've done thatyou simply upload it like you would any file.
Now, here's the part that I would love some help on. I want people to be able to see a still picture of the video and then by clicking on it it will magically start playing. I have no idea how to do this-- if you find out, please let me know!

Thanks. Did I mention I really like the entire process. If you enjoy puzzles, you'll love doing this.

Posted by: Elana on Oct 10, 2005 10:06:06 AM

I received the same question - on the same topic - from a vlog on my B2B Marcom site ( You're not going to like my answer ... heck! I don't like my answer. Here goes:

(the question):

what do you use to upload your video in this format so that it plays as a flash file ( i think) this is awesome, and really easy it seems - you use this format for the video egg post, im starting my own vlog soon and wnat to know what i should be using, thanks a lot

(the reply)

Rick Short:

GREAT question!

#1: Join the "Yahoo vlog group":, or something like it. It will seem bewildering at first, but you will soon hit your stride. There is a fledgling "Video Blogging Business group": . And, of course, always trust the master, "Steve Garfield.":

#2: There is NO easy answer. View my archives, look at the varied video formats I use. It's a mess. We're at the nascent stage of providing easy video postings (vlogging). Heck, I was number three-hundred and something on the " vlogger registry":http"// (and that was just a couple of months ago). Side note, they had to CREATE the "business" category for my vlog - I was the first BUSINESS vlog registered in

To make it easy and fast for me, I simply give my files to my very trusted ISP partner and they do the posting. I follow up and add the words. In other words, I BUY my way through the situation.

It is damn tough and requires intelligence, commitment, and dedication. That said, it is getting easier every day - and many people are finding success. Good luck!

Posted by: Rick Short on Oct 10, 2005 6:15:50 PM

Here's an UPDATE to my previous comment on this subject.

I have just discovered some very low-cost and EASY-to-use online software that makes posting videos simple. Ladies and gentlemen, start your vlogs!!!

Here's the secret:

Audioblog is so easy that it took me three minutes to post my first vlog (using their system). It was so fast compared to my previous experiences that I thought I had made a mistake when I saw the "finished" signal.


So, guess how I "discovered" Audioblog? Steve Garfield, of course. Who else?!?!? That guy is THE leader. Thanks (again) Steve.

And who hooked me up with Steve???

The Diva herself. TOBY! Thank you, Toby.

Posted by: Rick Short on Oct 14, 2005 3:16:19 PM

Interesting discussion; we will be linking soon, we would be honored if we could be added to this business blogger. We are from the World Business for sale is the leading independent businesses for sale listing service.

Posted by: on Dec 23, 2005 5:37:00 PM

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