Chrysler's Media Only Blog: A Culture Thing
Here's the back-story about the Chrysler Group Media Blog, The, direct from "mysource" at Chrysler who has asked to remain anonymous.
Chrysler's strategy was to create a blog to support their online "press only" site. As mysource pointed out, "press only" sites are common industry practice. I must admit, I had no clue about that one and it seemed odd to me. Must be a culture thing.
I did some Google searches and found several "press only" sites. Take a look at a few from some of the big guns in the auto biz. The language says loud and clear KEEP OUT. Gulp...I was sure a virtual cop was about to pop out and drag me off to some Internet jail for stumbling upon sacred grounds. And we wonder why so many dealerships stink at customer service. Must be a culture thing.
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When I asked "mysource" why Chrysler didn't jump in on the blogosphere conversation and explain their position he assured me that someone who had access to their blog was sure to do that. I didn't get this one either. Girlfriend, why would you want to depend on the kindness of reporters when you have the opportunity to speak for yourself? Must be a culture thing.
"Mysource" was right. Divas and Divos BlogWorks and Adrants and picked up the post written by Jason Vines, vp of communications at Chrysler and added their own spin. Be it good..bad..or indifferent. That the point is Chrysler missed a chance to participate in the discussion. Must be a culture thing.
Now I don't have a real problem, as some might, with closed blogs. What frustrated me was completing an application, in good faith, to gain access to the blog and then being told I wasn't part of the in-crowd.
The entrance page doesn't inform that the blog is for the media only. I assumed that the name the "Chrysler Group Media Blog" referred to a multi author blog written by the media group. [Cool, thought I. Some PR folks who are getting it.] "Mysource" agreed that might be a valid point and would take it up the food chain. Seems to me all this could have been avoided if Chrysler had simply put access to the blog within their "press only" site. But then again...they wouldn't have the buzzzz.
Lessons Learned: If you have a closed blog keep don't make the entrance page public.
Chrysler welcome to the blogosphere!