RSS Beyond Blogs


Is RSS the next killer appXmlrsslogo? Well my pals at Buzzhop and Pheedo are 2 firms that betting that's the case.

If you're interested in how companies are using RSS in strategies other than blogs click over to Charlene Li's Blog. She's requested examples and there are some good ones posted in comments.

Here are a few -

- US Cycling (news)
- IBM Press Room (updates)
- Tech Recipes (updates, information)
- The Gallup Organization (updates, information)
- Deals on the Web (stuff)
- Amazon deals (stuff)
- Frontline (PBS - TV programming and news)
- Luftgrop (travel)
- Continental (travel)
- Pheedz (travel)
- Cocoran (real estate)
- Purina (information and cute things)
- IBM Investor Page (updates)
- Things you can do with RSS feeds  - Heard it from: DigitalGrit
- FindSavings (coupons)
- the Jane Goodal Institute (news)

Watch for more newsletters being delivered by RSS.  But just to let you know that I'm not drinking too much of the KoolAid - here are some of the challenges to keep in mind. The Diva stance? It's a consumer-centric world. Why wouldn't you do both and give your clients a choice? Talk to Bill or JR.

Disclosure: This is not an affiliate program for either Bill or JR. Neither has given me any $, altho in keeping with transparency mantra of the blogosphere there is a distinct possibility of a drink or two!

Sidebar: Purina  has one of the clearest explanations of RSS that I've come across: What's RSS?/How can I use RSS?/How to sign up for (Purina) RSS feeds/Terms for Purina RSS feeds
Sidebar: As with other disclaimers, look for more "Terms of Agreement" on blogs as blogs continue to make their way into corporate strategies. Tis the nature of the beast.



Trackback url:

» Companies Need to Have RSS Even Without a Blog Strategy from Chris Abraham
Companies are adopting RSS. Why aren't you?... [Read More]

Tracked on Jun 20, 2005 6:41:23 PM

» RSS Beyond blogs from Hans on Experience
Diva Marketing has published a list of how companies can use RSS beyond blogs. Although most of them are America, it is good to see how these examples work out. - US Cycling (news)- IBM Press Room (updates) - Tech Recipes (updates, information)- The Ga... [Read More]

Tracked on Jun 21, 2005 3:29:33 AM

» Blogging 101 Resources v. 2.0 from BlogWrite for CEOs
Someone asked me yesterday where to go for a blogging 101 and I was momentarily stumped. There's so much information out there it's hard to know where to begin. I decided to be literal and look for resources labelled Blogging [Read More]

Tracked on Oct 6, 2005 9:16:13 AM

» Blogging 101 Resources v. 2.0 from BlogWrite for CEOs
Someone asked me yesterday where to go for a blogging 101 and I was momentarily stumped. There's so much information out there it's hard to know where to begin. I decided to be literal and look for resources labelled Blogging [Read More]

Tracked on Feb 12, 2006 11:17:08 AM

» Companies Need to Have RSS Even Without a Blog Strategy from Chris Abraham - Because the Medium is the Message
Companies are adopting RSS. Why aren't you?... [Read More]

Tracked on Aug 9, 2006 9:54:10 PM

» Facts are... from Daveblog
Although most of them are America, it is good to see how these examples work out [Read More]

Tracked on Aug 13, 2006 3:25:29 PM


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