Snippets From The Blogosphere


Great information and tips on the hows-whys-whats and where fors of blogging that Susan Getgood Marketing Roadmaps, developed for Camp WorldWIT.

Divas if blogging is becoming too time consuming and you're missing out on shoe sales (Memorial Day Sales are days away) and GNOs ... there's always Auto Blogger.  Check out the TV ads. Check out the entire site.  Proof that some people have way too much time on their hands - but are darn creative.


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» Because I'm Lazy from To Wit
Well, it seems my work here is done. Thanks to the beauty of our sloth-like, get it done quick and easy culture, I can now just leave my thinking and writing to the autopilot mode on my computer. Due to Auto Blogger, anything you read on this site ma... [Read More]

Tracked on May 24, 2005 12:36:24 PM


Thanks for mentioning the Camp WorldWIT presentation. The session was last Friday. It was tremendously rewarding afterward to hear from many in the audience that the presentation had cleared up some of their confusion about blogs, and really got them thinking about including a blog in their own marketing strategy. I am sure you have experienced the same with your AMA series. I am really looking forward to learning about many exciting new blogs!!!

Posted by: Susan Getgood on May 24, 2005 11:12:19 AM

We were honored to have Susan Getgood present on blogging at Camp WorldWIT last weekend. Since then, we've heard from zillions of WorldWIT members who want to know more. Thanks Susan!! Liz Ryan

Posted by: Liz Ryan on May 27, 2005 2:19:59 PM

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