Thoughts & People From On The Road


Met a few blogging friends from around the world in Chicago last month. Kirsten Olsen, re:invention, and Jackie Huba, Church of the Customer are as sylishly smart as you would expect. And my pal from New Zealand, Stephan Spencer, Stephan Spencer's Scatterings, was an exceptional divo! Be on the look out for an interview that Stephen is doing with ABC. It's to be aired next month.  Nice article on Stephan's blog about RSS and Implications for Search Marketers.

Stephan invited me to join him in a “Thought Leaders Summit” teleconference sponsored by on business blogging later this month. Details to follow.  Other panel members include: Seth Godin, Robert Scoble, Doc Searls, Shel Israel, Steve Rubel, BL Ochman, Debbie Weil, and Dana VanDen Heuvel.  How diva divine is that?!

For those who wondered, I made it to the airport for that 6:30p flight to Des Moines. Was even there before the shops opened. Airport vendors are missing a huge opportunity in not servicing passengers waiting for early flights.

Had a great time at AMA Iowa Chapter luncheon. Wonderful, friendly people. There were over 70 people at the event. Now...let's see who blogs first! Thanks to Arianne Steenblock, chapter prez (John Deere Credit) and Tamara Kenworthy, vp programs-elect (Essman Companies) for their midwestern hospitality.  A special treat was meeting Megan, a student at Drake, who is blogging about the AMA for a class project. Thanks for the kind comments about the presentation.  Sidebar: I figure if I didn't put Megan to sleep ... it must have been okay (or in IM terms - "k")!



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leave it to you to think about airport vendors. Glad to hear you made the flight.

Posted by: Alex on Mar 3, 2005 10:20:20 PM

and one of those "lost opportunity" customers was me. i would have paid double starbucks prices for a decent cup of joe!

Posted by: Toby on Mar 4, 2005 12:56:45 AM

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