Blogs Are Not The Savior


The prestigious Washington Post reports that blogs have entered the business mainstream.

“The group (Air Conditioning Contractors of America) is one of several businesses and organizations that are bypassing newspapers, magazines, billboards and other traditional media to take their message directly to consumers through blogs.”

I implore you not to assume blogs are the savior of business communication, marketing strategy or customer relationships.

First, I must tell you that I am passionate about incorporating blogs as a strategic marketing tactic. Blogs can help build stronger brands. Blogs can help build stronger customer relationships. Blogs can help build stronger media relationships. Blogs can help build credibility. Blogs can help build stronger ROI.

Please tell me that at least we (marketers) have learned our lessons well from the Internet crazed ‘90’s. Please tell me that we (marketers) understand blogs will not replace traditional or other Interactive tactics.*   Please tell me that we (marketers) understand blogs are one more, albeit powerful, marketing tool we can leverage in a developing a strategic marketing plan. (*As for the eNewsletter debate, they work for many organizations that also blog.)

In the blospshere, there are many smart people discussing what is a blog, why people blog, why people don’t blog, how long should a blog be, how often should a blogger post, why people read blogs, why people don’t read blogs. I applaud each and every author. These are important issues that business bloggers struggle with and must be addressed if blogs are to be taken seriously as an enterprise application.

However, it will be through integrated marketing programs where goals and objectives are defined, metrics established, customer expectations understood and “brand” execution achieved that the new kid on the block, The Blog, will be accepted as “mainstream.”

Thanks to Radiant Marketing for the links to the WP article and to the Air Conditioning Contractors of America blog. [Note: When will it be SOP for pubs to include links in online articles?]


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