SHRM Online, a pub for the HR crowd, reports that a Chapel Hill, NC-based consulting firm, Best Practices LLC recently conducted a benchmarketing study of the business practices of 10 top US companies: Coca-Cola Corp., Congentrix Inc., Constellation Energy, Dow Agro Sciences Corp., Entergy Inc., the FPL Group, Hayes Lemmerz Inc., Mirant Inc., Orion Energy Inc. and Progress Energy Inc. The report Optimizing Human Resources Organizations: Managing Staffing, Roles and Budgets found that the most successful companies follow the credo of “people, service and profitability."
"The thinking is, if you place people first, then good customer service and profitability will follow. This philosophy has definitely worked for companies such as Southwest Airlines and the other highly successful organizations that were examined." Keith Symmers, vice president, Best Practices LLC.
While I applaud the efforts of these companies, and the research, I can't help but think ... what would happen if an Internal Branding strategy were added to the mix? What would happen to ROI if companies let employees in on the "secrets of the brand?" Diva Marketers, here's a radical thought.... next time you have a meeting about branding how about inviting HR?